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Scoping and objectives definition for the patching projects
Forecasted workload and estimated the budget for 2014 and 2015
Documented existing processes
Defined the target process and established roles and responsibilities
Documented the Information System Architecture
Defined the IT Planning
Documented existing business processes
Designed and documented technical architectures
Requirements gathering
Constituted and built the project team, animated workshops
Provided quotation and wrote service proposal
Planning and execution check
Followed up on budget and reported to the stakeholders
Documented SLA for the authentication web service and webmethod provisioning bus
Documented the business requirements for the service monitoring
Reviewed KPI daily
Designed and implemented a process to deploy new offerings into the local referential
Defined and measured Data Quality indicators
Ensured Marketing Data consistency across the Information System
Designed and implemented the integration process for the new products offerings
Designed and implemented the Data integration process for newly acquired companies
Resolved complex problems and restored systems availability
Defined Quality of Service metrics and monitoring
Implemented Governance processes based on ITIL
Renewed Hosting and Managed services contracts
Renewed the Office IT Infrastructure
Hired and managed consultants