German Oil & Gas Client.
Widgets & reactjs. DNG Integation with Siemens TeamCenter with backlink. Integrate DNG with JIRA. RPE report generation for the Integrating tools.
Environment SetUp with Distributed CLM, OIDC Authentication.
Large German automotive client, Bangalore.
Integrate DOORS 9.6.1 with AD through RDS 5.2.1, SDS
Siemens Healthineers, Bangalore SME
RTC Pre-sales support: Custom training on RTC SCM, Visual Studio, Jenkins Integration & Project Manager features.
Rational Synergy Upgrade from 7.1 to 7.2.1-06 & Rational Change from 5.2 to 5.3; host migration.
Saudi National Bank,
Configure IBM DOORS in IBM Softlayer Cloud & automated backup. Shutdown of Cloud server.
Mitsubsushi Rail / Cyient, India SME
Support DNG 502; Create RPE & Insight reports
Johnson & Johnson USA; Chennai Developer
RTC Deployment; HPSM Integration
Etisalat, Abu Dhabi, UAE
CLM – Functional Support;
Migrate 7000 test cases from other tools to RQM.
Wiley Publishing USA / GAVS Chennai SME
CLM & Rational Focal Point deployment
China Bank, Phillippines / Makati, IBM BP SME