XLIB est une bibliothèque logicielle avec une implémentation de XWindows System en C. Xlib assure la communication avec le serveur graphique X, c'est donc une interface au protocole X. Si l'on compare X et les langages de programmation, on s'aperçoit que Xlib se rapproche d'un langage assembleur.
Real Time Optimisation department
- Implementation of new functionalities on Amadeus Altea Inventory.
- Software Architecture focusing on performance and scalability with real-time constraints in high traffic condition.
- Software development in C++ using standard libraries (STL, Boost) and Amadeus Middleware.
- Production support and load monitoring on site.
Performance & Software quality
- Software re-engineering and design to ease maintenance and improve software evolution.
- Performance analysis and regression tracking using Valgrind and Amadeus Internal Tools.
- Core development in the performance regression testing framework.
- Software maintenance using plenty of Tools (Code coverage with Gcov, static code analysis).
Personal Initiatives
- Strong interest in day to day work improvement to automate recurring tasks and let the developer focus on its core
business (python scripting & vim plugin creation).
- Formation on Multithreaded Programming and Software Quality Assurance Tools.
- Knowledge sharing using internal WIKIs.
Astek responsabilities Coordinator of a Team (8 persons) working for Amadeus.
Reporting & Management.
- Design & Implementation of a test automation software for embedded systems.
- Improvement of the software quality using regression testing and designing scenarios dealing with multiple instru-
ments. Technologies involved : incr-Tcl, C, Java, single sourcing via Eclipse RCP/RAP, SCPI commands.
- This test platform aims at being used among the Research & Development teams in France and in Germany.
- Design & Implementation of a compiler prototype from ActionScript 3.0 to C++/Java : Use the concept of Adobe
Rich Internet Application (RIA) on Mobile platform. (ELIPS Studio pre-project)
- First stage of the project : Study & modification of Adobe AS3 compiler, realization of a prototype.
Design & integration of third-party applications on embedded JDSU test and measurement platforms.
- Study of existing systems and projects : Maemo (on Nokia n810), OpenMoko, Moblin, Qtopia, Handhelds...
- Use and modification of Open Source components (Dvpt in C/C++, Gtk+, Xlib, Webservices)
- Work integrated in the release of the MTS product family. (licensing study : GPL & LGPL)
Part - Time Additional experiences, Freelance - Personal Project.