Consulting / Administration / Technical support / / Upgrades / participation to many ECM BPM
Participation to the ECM BPM Consolidations between MMA, GMF and MAAF.
Products: IBM FileNet ECM BPM / IBM Connections / IBM Watson / Arender / Box …
Infrastructure: Windows / Linux Red Hat 7.3 / Oracle / WebSphere / Wildfly
Consulting in an IBM Case Manage Project (Project: Case Management- Customer: Gulf
ECM / BPM / ACM Senior Consultant:
- Solution Design / Architecture
- Implementation / Development / Performance Tuning
- Installation / Administration / Technical Support / Mentoring
Products: IBM FileNet / IBM Case Manager
Participation to the Architecture design and Business Analysis
IBM Case Manager 5.2 Installations
2 Cases implementation
Widgets development and many ICN customization
1 Workflow component development
Technical Assistance, training and Support
Infrastructure: Windows / Linux Red Hat / Oracle / SQL Server / WebSphere
Consulting in an IBM Case Manage Project (Project: Case Management- Customer: Algeria
Participation to the Architecture design and Business Analysis
IBM Case Manager 5.2 POC Installations and configuration
Participation with the Customer team to POC Cases implementations
Technical Assistance and Support
Infrastructure: Windows / Linux Red Hat / Oracle / SQL Server / WebSphere
Training for a consultancy company team
IBM FileNet Content Manager 5.2.1 Introduction (F280)
IBM FileNet Content Manager 5.2 Implementation and Administration (F115)
IBM Case Foundation 5.2.1 Introduction (F230) / IBM Case Foundation 5.2.1 Administration (F247)
IBM Content Navigator 2.0.2 Administration (F121)
IBM Case Manager 5.2 Introduction to Case Manager (F215)
IBM Case Manager 5.2 - Build and Migrate a Solution (F212)
IBM Case Manager 5.2 - Customize and Extend the Features (F217)
IBM Case Manager 5.2- Integrated Rules (F214)
IBM Case Manager 5.2 Migrating and Deploying Solutions (F213)
IBM Case Manager 5.2 Security (F216)
IBM Case Manager 5.2 - Customize and Extend the Features (F217)
IBM Datacap 9.0 Introduction (F220) / IBM Datacap 9.0 Administration (F225)
IBM Datacap 9.0 Configuration (F224)
IBM FileNet P8 (3.5 & 4.5) Administrator and technical support:
- Administration & Technical Support of FileNet P8 3.5 Platforms (CE / PE / AE)
- Upgrade to FileNet P8 4.5 (CE / PE / AE / J2EE Custom Applications)
- Administration & Technical Support of FileNet P8 4.5 Platforms (CE / PE / AE / FSM)
- Administration & Technical Support of FileNet P8 4.5 Platforms (CE / ICC (Lotus Mail Archiving) /
- Upgrade to FileNet P8 5.2.1 (CE / CF / AE / J2EE Custom Applications)
- Administration & Technical Support of FileNet P8 5.2.1 Platforms (CE / CF / AE)
Infrastructure: Windows / Linux / DB2 / WebLogic
ERP/ECM/BPM/ACM implementation and delivery:
- Project Management
- Requirements Gathering / - Solution Design / - Architectural Design
- Implementation / - Development / - Administration
- Performance Tuning / - Support
(Customer: NMBS)
Products: IBM FileNet P8 4.5 (CE / PE / AE / eForms / ICC)
Infrastructure: Windows / UNIX AIX / Oracle / WebSphere
IBM FileNet P8 Implementation & Development:
- Workflow / eForms Design and Development
- Dev. Workflow Components
- Dev. & Workplace Customization
- Integration between FileNet CE/PE and SAP using Workflows exposed as Web Services
- Technical Support
ECM / BPM / ACM Senior Consultant:
- Solution Design / - Architecture
- Implementation / - Development / - Performance Tuning
- Administration / - Technical Support / - Mentoring
Products: FileNet / Documentum / SharePoint / OpenText
References: Capgemini (Morocco & France), Steria (Morocco), Gemadec, Cegeka, BC Skills (Morocco),
CBI (Morocco), Belgium Federal Public Service Finance, NMBS/SNCB Belgium, Algeria telecom, Gulf Bank
Algeria – AGB, BNP Paribas, Société générale banque et assurance, BMCE Maroc, Banque Populaire
Maroc, ONEE Maroc, Méditel, Akzo-Nobel, TMSA, CNRA/RCAR, Poste du Maroc …
FileNet Missions:
Participating to many projects Case Management (Advanced Case Management 5.2.x)
Installations and implementations of many Solutions ECM / BPM (IBM FileNet 3.x/4.x/5.x)
Many FileNet Upgrades to versions 4.5 / 5.2 (CE / PE / AE / eForms / WorkplaceXT / Content
Navigator / Records Management / Datacap 8.x & 9.x / ICC 3.x & 4.x / J2EE Custom Applications)
Administration & Technical Support of FileNet Platforms.
FileNet Platforms Audit
Documentum Missions:
Technical trainings and assistance in an xCP Project (Company: STERIA – Project: Case
Management- Customer: SOCOETE GENERALE Banque & Assurance)
Cases Design and implementation
Workflows design
Forms design
Java Development (DFC): Jobs / Methods / Adaptors
Reporting design (BAM)
(Belgium: ********) – Contract Period From 01-2019 - Until: Actual mission)
IBM FileNet CPE 5.2.1 & 5.5.2 / IBM Case Manager 5.3.1 & 5.3.2 / ODM / IIB: Implementation /
Consulting / Administration / Technical support
Infrastructure: Linux Red Hat 7.3 & 7.6 / Oracle / WebSphere 8.5.5
xCP Fundamentals
D2 Configuration
Training for a consultancy company team (Customer: GEMADEC)
Technical Fundamentals of Documentum
WDK- Fundamentals & Advanced
System Administration Fundamentals & Advanced
DFC 5 - Fundamentals
Business Process Manager & Forms Builder
Process Analyzer
Business Activity Monitor