Transition & Transformation, Infrastructure, Services Applications Entreprises, Digital
• Transition du programme vers des projets d'externalisation/nearshore vers CAP Gemini, appliquer le
processus ITIL et transférer les connaissances Gestion des activités de support informatique aux
équipes de ressources
o Contribuer à la transition côté client incluant le transfert d'activités, la formation, la
communication et la conduite du changement
o Surveiller que les résultats de la transition sont conformes aux KPI et SLA définis dans le
• Gérer avec les fournisseurs d'approvisionnement en matériel de bureau (téléphonie mobile,
imprimantes multifonctions, équipement audio/vidéo) et mettre à jour la gestion des actifs
• Business analyse (Recueillir diverses informations BA, exigences)
oDéfinir et documenter les fonctions et processus commerciaux du client, les besoins et
objectifs commerciaux, documenter les analyses de rentabilisation et le scénario de
test d'acceptation des utilisateurs conformément aux spécifications fonctionnelles.
o Participer aux activités de test d'acceptation des utilisateurs, effectuer une analyse
d'impact des changements pour évaluer les implications potentielles des
changements, Agir en tant que liaison entre les parties prenantes techniques et
l'équipe de projet pour concevoir et assurer des performances opérationnelles
ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME: 50 000 workstations, 105 worldwide Sites, 39 000 USERS,
Pre Contractuel due diligence phase
SPOC to clients for Transition and Transformation Plan aspects, costs, clarifications of assumptions and requirements, risks.
Establish effective communication and engagement with internal and external stakeholders to ensure program success.
• Transition Phase: Knowledge Transfer (ITSM Solutions: Service Now, Service Desk, On Site Services, Support Services, DRP, BCP)
Implementation of the Tools Service Now (Training, Creating Process for enduser, Mindmapping of Incident, Change, Problem, Request, follow the steps from technical test to the end-user feedback experience)
• Transformation Phase:
Coordination of teams of multifunctional teams (SME, TM, SLM), including subcontractors, to effectively manage the program.
Advise, support, inform project managers
Providing clean and concise status reports to both the client and internal stakeholders
Define and manage the communication strategy, analyze the challenges of communication, target the choice of users and the different communication channels. Develop and disseminate the Communication Management Plan
Recruitment: interviews and technical & functional and linguistic tests. Validation of contracts.
• Program Management: Ensure that program objectives are achieved by providing decision-making capacity that cannot be achieved at the project level.
programme ENVIRONMENT : 2 Datacenters, Serveurs HP et IBM, 87 switches Cisco, 3 Sites in France, 25 000 USERS, SERVICE now TOOL IMPLEMENTATION
Implementation and support of Enterprise management ServiceNow Tools
((monitoring - server and application, event management, automation and other tools).
Set up the call center support, new Platform, create catalogue of services,imple
Infrastructure IT Service Management Tool: Service Now, SLA, QoS, KPI,
Guarantees understanding of global operations - event management, incident and problem management, change management, critical incident management, service level agreements, and more.
Guarantor of the implementation of solutions using the ITIL framework and the best practices and methodologies Pharmaceuticals
Implementation of solutions using the ITIL framework and the best practices and methodologies Pharmaceuticals.
Participate in the development of a strategy to lead to an IS compliant with the requirements of the business activity.
Participation in the development of a strategy to lead to an IS compliant with the requirements of the business activity
Preparation of schedules for each project and follow-up of these and project progress monitoring tools; participation in weekly follow-up meetings
Technical Environment: Windows 10, 2 Datacenter, Cisco Switches, Workstations, 25,000, HP and IBM Servers, Service Now, Multi-Cloud (IBM, Microsoft, Oracle,)
Integration within the PROJECT division of the IT entity of the Group, currently composed of 4 CDP. The Group's ISD has 150 people who manage Security / 4 BU aspects of SAP ECC / ERP / Dev ERP / Networks / Messaging
Ensure the collection and formalization of functional business and business requirements
Solicit the different resources from the various poles (hr, marketing,)
Manage the planning, the estimation of the loads, the consumptions and the follow-up of the actions
Writing of the document database (DAT, technical specifications)
Conduct preliminary feasibility studies and scenarios
Determine the choice of software solutions in relation to the trades
Pilot or participate in the functional relationship with the service providers or the IS department of the Group
Participate in the management of IS performance and the capitalization of knowledge on IS
Participate in the coherence of the IS in terms of repositories, rules, procedures, methodologies, processes, business objects, and tools Group and SI-ZS
Participate in the development of an IS strategy that meets the requirements of the business activity.
Animation of meetings in English, Project methodology: Prince2
Design Solutions
Animate project communities with client / vendor, architects, and Back-End.
Collect and benchmark the needs expressed by the business team: Project Manager
After studies of opportunities, propose answers, in terms of features and the roadmap,
Write the functional specifications and propose prototypes with the support of the EOMs,
Validate project opportunities
Coordination of Projects (Scrum Master)
In close relation with the MOE (Developers) and Agile teams, make sure that the commitments made by the various stakeholders are respected.
Ensure the recipe of the solutions delivered and accompany the put in production
Provide the business lines with the action plans, indicators and media needed to launch the offers.
Follow the lifecycle of Offers
Be proactive on improvements or new features that can be made to the existing
Conduct a constant technological and competitive watch to bring adequate innovation to your solutions
Renewal of the Networks and Telecom infrastructure of the Banque de France branches
Placed under the responsibility of the Project Manager of the accounting field, ensure its decision-making solution, support the Directorate of Information Technology and Telecommunications in the design and development of technical infrastructure. As Project Manager IT Project within the Infrastructure Evolution Team.
Work completed:
• Collect the needs of customers and analyze the uses of the service offer in relation to the teams acting as MOA on these subjects.
• Set up the schedule for installation and migration • Define and implement a new process of industrialization of the various services.
• Manage relationships with suppliers and subcontractors • Manage risks (identification, analysis, action plan to remove risks).
• Ensure the monitoring and evolution of the service offer according to new needs and technological innovations
• Deployment of the infrastructure in the new sensitiv...
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Gestion de projets informatiques pour notre entité BNP dans un cadre méthodologique propre à Cetelem
Dans le cadre des projets SHIVA et ITSCM, améliorer la résilience en cas de perte d'infrastructure (Disaster
Recovery, Cyber Attack etc.).
• Environnement de travail (CTI & téléphonie, Office 365, accès Internet...),
• Sauvegarde et restauration, Basculement Datacenter, reconstruction et isolation,
• Toute résilience informatique de TEC et accès aux outils TEC, modes dégradés informatiques et conformité
• Impliquer toutes les équipes IT (Network, Workplace, Distributed, Datacenter, base de données, etc.) ainsi
que les autres entités BNP.
• Doit aider l'entité BNP France, Benelux à mieux structurer ses besoins projets pour en faciliter la gestion.