Developer for the software system run by entertainment programs producers.
J2EE, Spring, Tomcat, Oracle, Struts (migrating to Stripes), Hibernate, Ajax Anywhere, Protorype.Developed an application for defining, storing and querying over 100.000 time statistic series (such as rains by zone, fruit production, etc). Meet stakeholder expectations by applying XUL technologies on Java, which provided both zero-install and rich user experience. The application also supports automatic grouped (sum and average) series, implementing on-line refreshing of values. The successful adoption of the application was obtained by a clear integration model for existing data sources.
Main technologies and frameworks: J2EE; Spring, including Spring MVC; Thinlet; Tomcat.The Computer Science Career has a heavy load of both theory and computer programming courses.
Teaching Assistant for “Algorithms and data structures I” and “Computer Language Paradigms”
Taught first insights of programming to 1st year students, exposing imperative (C++) and functional (Haskell) languages on “Algorithms and data structures I”. Acted as guide for homework projects on C++ and Haskell. Explained the design concepts of Smalltalk and introduced students to the language. Taught advanced concepts of functional programming to fourth year students at “Computer Language Paradigms”. Designed and corrected exams of both courses. Designed exercises on Haskell and Smalltalk for home practices. Collaborated in defining small homework projects on Haskell, and corrected the resulting implementations
Improved financial control application written in ASP
For Tenaris (Techint Group). Developed corporate J2EE/WebDynpro/NetWeaver architectural prototype according to company standards, providing a quick platform for the integration of acquired companies’ systems.
1.This project followed one aimed at deciding between some standard/comunity J2EE Web framework and SAP's WebDynpro. I proposed to compare WebDynpro against JSF, mainly because it maked sense to compare WebDynpro against another component-based framework, rather than a request-based one.
For Toepfer Argentina. Programmed architectural prototype for J2EE system, based on a service bus. Modules built over Spring (including MVC and remoting)
For Banco de Galicia. Reviewed the C#.NET architecture of a big multi-channel banking application. Leaded the implementation of automated testing that allowed the safe refactoring of several parts.
For SIF América. Defined the J2EE web architecture for a customs office’s application, based on a rule engine. Programmed critical parts and implemented the automated test schema. The resulting application framework was used in several different customs. [Struts/J2EE/WebSphere, Oracle, Junit]
For Synthesis Group. Redefined architecture for a J2EE promotions engine. Leaded the team to successful delivery of version 2, which improved usability, performance and robustness. [Struts/J2EE/JBoss, Hibernate]
For Citibank, definition and setup of QA framework and procedure for J2EE implementations (based on code analysis tools)
For Siderar (Techint), acted as RUP process engineer and mentor for the functional analysts group (Mentoring, review and training on Use Cases)
For SanCor Seguros. Defined enterprise J2EE architecture for the ERP reengineering of an insurance company. Mentored the team’s architect. Programmed critical mechanisms and fully documented examples of use.
For Banco de Galicia. Defined in cooperation the architecture of multi-channel applications.
For Siderar (Techint), Citibank, Toepfer, Taught Use-Case techniques and OO Analysis and Design to development teams.
Researched the state of the industry on BPM (2003)
Researched lab application (2002) for exploration of cross-J2EE application server issues, testing on several application servers
Analysed and defined Swing-J2EE architecture for the seeds pre-sales system
Programmed critical aspects of application framework
Implemented ast and efficient serialization mechanisms for low end connections
Described and programmed tools to support the software development process
This is a short description of the main project I was assigned.
Seeds pre-sales and billing system for Monsanto Argentina. Started on 1998.
As the application needed to run in remote places without good conectivity or no conectivity at all, it constrained to be a rich client-server application, the client being a rich swing application, capable of running both off-line and on-line, accessing a remote server trough RMI and a local database. The persistence layer was built originally on TopLink for Java. Soon later we replaced TopLink with a lighter persistence framework purposedly built due to performance issues with TopLink over slow networks. The server consisted on a RMI service, which served database sessions when accessing remotely, and hosted a centralised real-time seed reservation service. This service was a complex concurrent process, that handled the simultaneos requests of 100s of merchants trying to take seeds of certain characteristics, or packs of seeds-agrochemicals, the requests were priorized and rescheduled to other combinations when there were no availability.
Later we built a back-office application that needed a web-based reporting system. It was a web application based on Struts and running on Tomcat.
The development platform was VisualAge for Java with the Envy repository, the database Sybase.
From the design point of view, the challenges included the mentioned reservation service; a pricing service based on complex rules; and the custom lightweight persistence framework. More technically, tweaks to the serialization mechanism for making them small footprint.
Developed GUI components on PARTS-Smalltalk/V.
Lead development of a software system that processed monthly corporate purchases of 80+ companies over 300+ merchants, using client/server technology
Developed market prices acquisition application for a trading bank
Developed microcontroller-based software for several PABXs
Programmed libraries for working with OO technology at assembly level
Designed and implemented a multitasking kernel