Knockout, également orthographié Knockout.js est un framework javascript léger qui permet de créer des sites dynamiques en implémentant la notion de data-binding . Il permet aussi d’implémenter le pattern Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM).
Team: 7 developers, 2 QAs, 1 manager.
Key technologies: ASP.NET MVC, C#, Entity Framework, SignalR, Oracle, SQL Server, Shell Scripting, ReactJS,
Kendo UI, JQuery, Selenium, SVN.
- Securing the product by adding the ASP.NET Identity password expiry/complexity security layer.
- Making the product compliant to the GDPR rules by securing his databases while exporting it to Linedata as part of L2/L3 Support: Implementing a Shell solution along with PL-SQL and T-SQL scripts (depending on the client’s RDBMS) to hide the client’s personal data (e-mails, comments, names, usernames…) without using the database’s integrity (primary keys on personal data like e-mails, usernames…).
- Implementing a new widget that can display data extracted by simple SQL queries written in a specific format
in Kendo UI charts (line, pie, bar…). This feature will allow the users to visualize their SQL queries in userfriendly charts. For instance, displaying the employees per department (or their percentage) in a Pie Chart using the ‘Group by’ clause in SQL).
- Adding UI effects to the Dashboard’s widgets (Drag and Drop, Height and Width Resizing, Pin to specific positions, save the widgets’ positions in the database for a future use of the Dashboard) using the GridStack.JS plugin.
- Adding ReactJS to the product: encapsulate UI elements like Kendo UI components (Charts, Grid, Dropdown
List…) and HTML complex structures (Widgets’ containers, Default windows, Breadcrumbs, Custom menus…) within simple ReactJS components as part of the Architecture refactoring project.
- Participating in the Performance optimization project by applying the Relational Algebra rules on the existing SQL queries, functions and stored procedures for both Oracle and SQL Server RDBMS. Optimizing the ORM’s queries (Entity Framework) by refactoring the Linq statements made by developers that applies unnecessary joins in some cases.
- Adding real-time client-server communication by participating in SignalR integration project.
- Developing a C#/Selenium/Specflow application as the Automated Regression Testing tool for Linedata
Optima. Developing a C# Desktop application for the Quality Analysts that removes the need to run tests or add sample data to the test scenarios via Visual Studio: Create and add Guerkin data Tables into the
Specflow feature files depending on user data provided in Excel spreadsheets, build the Selenium project using MsBuild to generate the C# code behind each feature and run the test scenario using the NUnit test runner console.
Project management: Scrum, KEN (internal PM tool).
- ******** (December 2015)
- (November 2015)
- (December 2015)
- (November 2015)
2015 Web Developer: Graduate Bachelor Trainee – MDWEB
Internal Corporate Skills Management web application with Business Analytics Dashboard for my End-of-year internship (Symfony2).
Team: 6 developers, 1 Tech Lead, 3 QAs, 1 Business Analyst, 1 project manager
Key technologies: Azure Services (DevOps, CosmosDB, Service Bus, Data Factory, AD, Storage
Accounts, Application Insights, Event Hubs, Functions, Terraform), .NET Core (C#, Azure
services SDKs, Mediator, Swagger, Blazor, MudBlazor, …), Front (React, Redux, NPM…), GIT.
- Add KPIs of the product use metrics by the clients.
- Decommission outdated/deprecated modules.
- Redesign communication channels between the application’s microservices.
- Create ADF pipelines to migrate databases/fix inconsistencies/backup and restore.
- Participate in architectural designs of new developments.
- Handle production-related issues.
- Ensure deployments/configuration of the different environments.
- Configure Azure Pipelines/Releases/Library.
- Create Terraform scripts for new/existing azure resources.
- Convert functional specifications to technical tasks for the development team.
- Review the code of the development team.
- Mentor and support the development team to enable their potential.
- Refactor the code base when needed.
- Monitor the application’s health and take actions to fix potential problems.
- Ensure the technical and functional On-Boarding of the development/test teams.
- Organize learning sessions about key Azure Services (CosmosDB, Azure Data Factory, Azure
Service Bus, Azure Functions, Azure AD).
Project management: Scrum, Azure DevOps.
2019-2020 Software Engineer at ODDO BHF
Product: ODDO Lutèce Core Banking (Post-trade processing application).
Team: 7 developers, 2 QAs, 2 BAs, 1 team leader.
Key technologies: ASP.NET MVC, C#, NHibernate, SQL Server, KnockoutJS, Kendo UI, JQuery, Durandal, SVN.
- Migrating the Business logic of the application (written using C#/Linq along with NHibernate) to TransactSQL views and stored procedures for performance and code maintainability purposes.
- Participating in the implementation of the Business Logic related to the Third Party Referential for ODDO BHF group.
- Adapt the existing application to the new business rules that are specific to BHF.
- Working in an Agile environment (SCRUM) with BHF (Frankfurt) and ODDO (Paris) Business Analysts on the new functionalities/enhancements of the product.
- Animate the Sprint Review meetings and demonstrate the new Sprint increments to BAs.
- Participating in the creation/maintenance of generic Knockout.JS components containing the shared functionalities of Kendo UI grids (Excel Exports, Grid columns definition, grid parameters, events handling…) to centralize the maintenance of the grid and reduce code complexity.
- Re-designing some screens to optimize the data load from the server (Load blocks on-demand).
- Code refactoring to ensure that Knockout.JS best practices are being followed by developers.
- Project management: Scrum, Jira, Confluence.