Skype for Business, également nommé Skype Entreprise, est un logiciel édité par Microsoft. C’est un client de messagerie instantanée qui permet notamment d’organiser des réunions en ligne. Ce service remplace Microsoft Lync.
WELLS FARGO BANK IT Specialist I was in charge of the entire Paris site and its fifty employees.
My mission was to interface the users and the support team at Headquarters in London, as well as the different teams in the IT infrastructure.
I was in charge of the day-to-day management of the daily equipment checklist and incident tracking. I was also in charge of the relationship with various IT suppliers.
The various projects have included integrating the GE Capital team into Wells Fargo France CDF, retrieving data from GE's infrastructure, deploying new hardware, and devising specific local projects such as implementation. Mailera service
User support SL1/SL2
Technical writer
Network administrator
Technical Environnement:
Windows server, Exchange server, Windows 7/10, Skype for Business, Office 2016, Checkpoint Security, RSA 2FA, Cisco unified communications
The mission began with the deployment of Windows 10 and the first batch of Surface tablets. I was able to detect and resolve deployment incidents via SCCM.
Then I joined the helpdesk team as Senior Support to fix incidents and formalize them for the next level. I was also in charge of the tests of deployment of new material, to make the technical documentation and to overhaul the technical documents of the Wiki.
I was also in charge of preparing the deployment of the new equipment (Surface Hub, Polycom Skype Business Phones, second wave Surface tablets)
Outsourcing for TRASYS Belgium
Helpdesk SL1/SL2
Technical Writer
Network Administrator
Technical e nvironnement :
Windows Server, Exchange Server, Skype for Business, Office365, SCCM, MacAfee Security, Altassian JIRA, ITIL, Cisco Unified Communications
Infrastructure reorganization
Electronic document management and collaborative work implementation
Data protection plan implementation
Technical environnement :
Windows Server, Office, PolyOffice, RPVA
Technical procedure conception
Incident tracking tool conception and developpment
Technical environnement :
Windows 7 Embedded, SQL Server
Technical infrastructure reorganization
Collaborative work implementation
Technical environnement:
Windows 8, Office 365, Skype for Business, Cloud Microsoft
Distributed infrastructure and collaborative work implementation
CRM developpment and implementation
Technical environnement :
Windows 7/8/10, Office 365, SQL Server
Network infrastructure and collaborative work implementation
Database administration and Data-Mining
Technical environnement:
Windows Server, Windows 7/8/10, Office 365, SQL Server, Cloud Microsoft, Skype for Business, ToIP Orange
Network infrastructure and collaborative work implementation
Database administration and Data-Mining
Technical environnement:
Windows Server, Windows 7/8/10, Office 365, SQL Server, Cloud Microsoft, Skype for Business, ToIP Orange
Network infrastructure et collaborative work implementation
Data protection plan implementation
ERP developpment and implementation
Technical e nvironnement :
Windows Server, Windows 7/8, IIS+PHP+MySQL, Cloud Microsoft, Skype for Business , 3CX IPBX