Team Management, Advisory
Project Manager / Team Management / Advisory
Advisor in BNP BP2S Innovation / Lux Lab Team:
Personally ‘Early Adopter’ of Bitcoin/Altcoin and Blockchain technologies (since 2010).
Participate at Strategic White Paper to Digital Bank Transformation 2.0.
Monitoring technology on a daily basis with different research groups, external and internal.
Organize and present the strategic view of BNP for Digital Transformation to internal people and external customers/partners.
Internal Training/Presentation/Campaign to Comex, Clients Development Department and IT Department on disruptive technologies and how to transform ‘risks’ into opportunities (Especially on subjects like Blockchain, Big Data and Robo-Advisors).
Manage the analysis and development of a complete POC (Proof Of Concept) in the full Order Life Cycle using the Ethereum Blockchain technology (smart contracts). This POC prove to the Bank the capacity to transform settlement at T0 (trade date = settlement date) instead of ‘traditional’ T+2 or T+3 days with a notable lowering of counter party risks and lowering of fees. This POC include: Full Order Cycle, KYC/AML process, A Digital Platform (web + mobile devices) for externals Partners and Customers (White Brand Style), Big Data Analysis to generate new businesses streams and prediction systems for robo-advisors. All this POC was realized with externals companies (especially French Fintech) under my relationship management.
On Daily Basis :
IT Transfer Agent processes, Manage Off-shoring developments, multiple locations (Dublin, Warsaw, Lisbon, Chennai);
Manage Customer’s needs;
Project Manager for the Migration from PowerBuilder to ExtJS (javascript front web extJS + j2ee), DB Oracle of the STARS Middleware. (880 m*days project).
STARS sand for: Solution for Transfer Agent Reporting and STP.
STARS is fully connected with MULTIFONDS and deal with more than 8 worldwide locations, used by more than 300 users.
STARS cover :
The full TA and Regulatory reporting and scheduling (From contract notes to FATCA/CRS reporting)
The complete financial orders transferts with monitoring (swift, fax, flat file,...)
Collaborate on the Investors Funds raising process.
Zapy.modi (********) is a mobile and web application designed to be a AdExchange.
This specialized solution is created for Apps developers (android/IOS) to boost and generate web traffic to promote apps across a Advertising Exchange.
Company specialized in HNWI assets management with a focus on High Frequency Trading mixed with mid terms investments strategies and risk.
Main Responsibilities :
– Team Builder, Team Management
– Customers Relationship, taking care of customers needs.
– Risk Assets Management control and design
– Live Reporting / Analysis and Audit
– Technical supervision for testing new strategies
– Help on Strategic sales and management decisions
Missions :
Ordina (Luxembourg): Country Manager for Luxembourg. Help to integrate the ITG Consulting Belgium to Ordina Luxembourg (********)
C4 Funds (Luxembourg): Funds activities / Trading activities.
UBS Bank (Luxembourg): All products linked to funds management. Testing Team and Responsible for SWIFT Messages coordination between UBS and all third parties, partners of UBS.
Dexia-Bil Bank (Luxembourg) : Cobra Project : Team manager to merge all funds data between Dexia-Bil and RBC Bank (Project Fusion between banks)
Lombard Insurance Life (Luxembourg) : Lord Project : Coordination between Users and Development team to produce financials reports.
Customers profile : Bank / Insurance (HVB, HASPA, DEXIA, ING, …). Traveling all over countries (Europe, US, Asia) to manage and deploy solutions from Odyssey to customers. Teams size between 10 to 25 peoples. People profile: Functional, business and technical. Arrange planning, manage customers expectations, acting objectives.
Products : Triple A / OCS / Actuate / Mercator / Nexus.
Project WIN : Analysis and coding of the migration of the principal financial software of the group under citrix metaframe. Technologies used: Paradox 7 to 11, Delphi 7, Oracle, C++, Zetafax.
Support for the users, development mode, test and production.
Project DayTime Bridge : extension of the application partially rewritten during project WIN. Addition of a system allowing the data update in real-time. Analysis and development of a scheduler guaranteeing the extraction of data on a distant system Oracle, the transformation of these data and the update within the base of data financial application. Project type : AEI/ETL. Real-Time Financial Data.
Daytime Bridge customers will benefit from:
Improved input deadlines for Bridge and Internal instructions;
Additional settlement opportunities during the day;
Better interaction with domestic markets across different time zones;
Securities financing on Bridge transactions during the daytime.
Projects management for “Big” Customers Accounts (********, ********, ********, ********)
Specialist E-learning.
Founder and Associated in CREALAB, Software Company specialized in developments of Databases solutions and Intranet / Internet solutions.
Position : Head Manager (founder of the company).
Customers : French Ministry for the Foreign Affairs, PSA Group, HACHETTE Group, Renault, many Software Companies, PME-PMI, Real Estate Agents, StartUp…
→ THIS COMPANY HAD BE SOLD TO ******** (U.S. Company)
Project initiator for MINIMAGE : Software intended for rental and transactional management for the real estate agents with a module of transfer towards our servers for an advertising diffusion multimedia (Minitel – Internet – Interactives Terminals ). Multilingual software, multi-currencies, functions inter-agencies and base statistical data with dimension European (approx. 5 000 estate agencies concerned).
Direction and Co-Realization software intended for the creation and the management of the Clinical studies Epidemiologic (Customer Laboratories MERK-CHIBRET, creation of clinical research and the European economy center of health [C.E.R.C.L.E].).
Project WEEKEND (6 months) : Software intended for the management of the base Mutual Bet Urbain (PMU in French) of the newspaper WEEKEND, design of the newspaper included. (Customer HACHETTE Group).
MIGRATION from IBM3090 TO APPLICATION CLIENT / SERVER SYBASE, Application 24H / 24H LIVE, Work with CCI publishing systems.
Project MIS –TV (5 months) : Software intended for the data entry of the televised programs and the design of the newspaper “Télé 7 jours”. (Customer HACHETTE Group).
Project BAO (5 months) : Software intended for the budgetary control of C.C.A.S., work's council of EDF-GDF (electricity of France - gas of France). (Customer CCAS / EDF-GDF).
Project CLIENTE II (2 months): Software intended for the management of the practices of the customers. (Customer CHANEL).
Give many TRAININGS and SEMINARS on PARADOX WINDOWS, DELPHI 2 AND 3 CERTIFIEE, SQL, Development Intra-Internet, advanced Techniques of development, Consulting, Audits
Over 15 years of experience have helped me to develop a strong knowledge in fund industry, financial instruments, e-business/e-commerce and working methodology. I worked in Private banking & Wealth Management System and Investment solutions for Private Equities, managing HNWI investment strategies, employee as Head of High Frequency Trading. In the fund industry where I was involved in definition of business and technical architectures and managed implementation of these solutions.
I've contributed to the success of several projects either as architect and project manager (implementation of large and complex projects, be the key person between business and IT teams), business analyst (build financial and risk models and conducting due diligence and analytical work on potential investments), or test manager (define strategy of the testing process and manage the correct deployment with reporting).
My main business skills acquired in the past years covered several areas such as Private Banking, Fund Administration, Financial Markets, Payment processes , IT systems and the e-Business.
Beside that, i've acquired and developed a strong customer relationship knowledge, focused on customer aims and satisfaction. Fast learner, motivated and ambitious individual with team management skills.
Passionate about the world of E-business/E-commerce, Banking and Technologies, i'm using I.T. to serve Business.
Now i'm looking forward to making a significant contribution with a company that offers a genuine opportunity for progression. I'm a team builder.
Innovation and Digital Transformation Blockchains will make thing move.