Type de missions :
§ Conseil, audit, analyse des besoins et mise en place d’infrastructure pour les tests logiciels dans
les domaines de la banque, de l’industrie et des services.
§ Conduite de projets de test et mesure de la qualité, réalisation et management de campagnes
de tests, depuis l’étude des attentes des tests, choix des outils, analyse et conception des cas de
tests, préparation des données de test, écriture des scripts pour automatisation, exécution des
scénarios de test, jusqu’ à l’analyse détaillée et la présentation des résultats.
Activités de tests réalisées
§ Elaboration du Plan de Test selon l’application à tester, précisant les objectifs, le périmètre et
les moyens à mettre en œuvre
§ Conduite des tests logiciels. Mise en place des campagnes de tests et coordination de projet
pour des applications spécifiques ou des sites web intranet/extranet dans les secteurs banque et
finance de marché, santé, industrie et services.
§ Automatisation des parcours utilisateurs définis avec le client
§ Langages supportés : Java, J2EE, C/C++, HTML, Javascript, Python, Ajax
§ Analyse fonctionnelle, établissement de scénarios utilisateurs en adéquation avec les exigences
fonctionnelles ou techniques de l’application à tester
§ Analyse de performances, Monitoring et analyse de l’activité des serveurs ou des machines
virtuelles, du comportement des applications à tester, ainsi que de l’activité de la JVM si
nécessaire (Dynatrace, VisualVM, Sitescope ou Microfocus Silkperformer),
§ Rédaction de rapports d’activité intermédiaires et des rapports de test
§ Test Planning based on specific requirements analysis or feasibility studies, including SLAs,
scope of the tests, budget, resources and technical environment
§ Test Cases selection and documentation, according to business needs and priorities
§ Scripting and test cases implementation in order to automate the process of load generation
§ Project Coordination during load tests execution
§ Performance Analysis: Systems metrics collection and analysis (UNIX, Windows, BMC Performance Assurance), and Application Performance Monitoring (APM) with Dynatrace, VisualVM,, Sitescope or Microfocus Silkperformer
§ Report writing in french or english . Deliverables include the load test methodology, the test plan with test cases descriptions and scope of the tests, weekly reports and final report including expert recommendations.
Supported Tools and platforms
§ Application servers: Weblogic Server WLS 8.1, WLS 10, Tomcat, IIS, JBoss EAP 6.1
§ Databases : DB2, Oracle, SQL Serveur
§ Operating Systems : Windows 2003 Server, Linux Redhat Server 3
Performance Monitoring and Capacity Planning, using HP Loadrunner, Borland/Microfocus
Silkperformer, BMC Performance Assurance, BMC Visualizer and Compuware Dynatrace,
Colasoft Capsa network analyzer. Reporting in French and English
For the industrial sector, I coordinated various projects involving Java/J2EE developments,
security audits, policy best practices and network supervision. I worked in close cooperation
with developers to write proposals and end-of-assignments reports.
Operations Officer for the Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF)
I was in charge of the implementation and coordination of a technical assistance project,
reviewing contracts and recruitment process for 7 firms and 80 individual consultants (over
three years). Supported by 24 donors, the ARTF has emerged as one of the main instruments for
financing the country’s recurrent budget, and is now the main source of technical assistance
support for Afghanistan.
Specialized in computer services for the Bank and Insurance sector, Tipsoft SA supports mediumsized
banks information system in Luxemburg and Belgium. I was in charge of project
management and IT security policies implementation for the main applications, security audits,
capacity planning and Swift Systems maintenance.
Both for private and public sectors, the ASI commercial activity grew from 1 to 1.5 million of
euros in the Rhones-Alpes area in 2000. I was in charge of new technologies software solutions
such as Groupware LotusNotes, internet sites, intranet portals, software development (Delphi,
Java, Visual Basic) and feasibility studies. (Turn-over 3MF).
Sales Engineer for medium systems (direct and indirect channels) in various sectors (public
sector, distribution and healthcare). I was also in charge of the Business Partners network
animation, organizing technical and commercial seminars for IBM customers and Business
Partners’ sales force, coupled with a marketing campaign. (2 ME/year).
Technical support for the private bank sector. Implementation of new UNIX/AIX systems with
financial software. Pre-marketing of the new RISC System/6000
Tools : JMeter, HP Loadrunner/Performance Center, HP Quality Center, Dynatrace, JIRA
Sector: Bank
Company : BNP Paribas
Configuration : J2EE Applications (IBM Websphere)
Reporting : English