Création de reporting pour suivre les activités
Optimisation supply chain et ratios
Organisation d'évènements
Projet NFT
Lancement du marketplace
• Dashboards Creation (Desktop and Server Administration).
• Cockpit view with parameters (Chain Ladder).
• Personal Banking Data.
• Dashboards Creation (Desktop and Server Administration).
• Tableau Server Admin (Monitoring server keymetrics).
• Twitter Sentiment Analysis.
• Financial Data.
• Dashboards Creation (Desktop and Server Administration).
• Security and Subscription (Active Directory Groups).
• Netezza and Hadoop Connections throught Tableau.
• Retail Data.
• Project Management (user acceptance test, functional specifications).
• Dashboards Creation (Desktop and Server Administration).
• Security and Subscription (Active Directory Groups).
• Job Talend (ETL).
• Retail Data.
• Workflow improvement (Externalise configuration folders).
• Dashboards Reorganisation.
• Tableau Server Administration (Active Directory Groups).
• Alteryx Gallery Administration (Self-Service Solution).
• POC : Head Count Monitoring (Dashboarding).
• Risks Dashboarding (Gross Risks, Residual Risks).
• Story Telling and Tableau Presentation with the final client.
Best Practice pour la création de rapports
Publication / Distribution
Vue Cockpit modulable (Chain Ladder)
NPS score
L’OCCITANE GROUP, 05/18-10/18
Irrigation des rapports via l'active directory (groupes)
Netezza et Hadoop
Cegid (ERP)
HERMES SELLIER, 01/18-05/18
Nouvelles collections et H-Line Dashboards
Cegid (ERP)
Talend (ETL)
• Data Mining
-Guarantee the reliability and integrity of the data before communication.
-Project coordinator (Competitive intelligence).
• Dashboarding
-Creation and improvement of dashboards.
-Communication around Dashboards and KPIs.
• Ad Hoc Demands
-Excel Data Preparation.
-Quering through Business Object et Qlickview.