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Les dernières missions PHANTOMBUSTER à pourvoir

Consultant WMS Reflex - Lyon

69 - LYON
24 mois
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Formateur LINKEDIN

1 jours ouvrés
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Expert Genesys

75 - Paris
3 mois
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Commercial Indépendant B2B Cosmétique

64 - PAU
12 mois
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Expert Typeform

30 jours ouvrés
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Développeur AEM

6 mois
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Lead researcher

6 mois
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spécialiste Mautic

69 - LYON
10 jours ouvrés
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Développeur expérimenté et AUTONOME - CMS ADOBE AEM

75 - PARIS
12 mois
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1 jours ouvrés
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Résumé des emplois de Rchard,
freelance PHANTOMBUSTER résidant dans l'Isère (38)

  • Jan 2003 - aujourd'hui

    Creating a company named Atriix.
    This company, starting with 2 people , will deliver consulting in computing infrastructures. The goal is to propose and to deploy computing solutions which allows to decrease computers investments and support by 20% to 70%, with a rapid return on invest.

  • Manager
    Jan 2002 - Jan 2003

    5 working on e-Services products and 3 working on Call Centers products at Hewlett Packard :
    The sub-team of 5 for e-Services is supporting products like Enterprise Business Portal (BroadVision) or Web encapsulation as BEA (with WebLogic, Tuxedo), IUM (Internet Usage Manager), UC (Unified Communications as SetNet, ********), Unified Commerce (with InterShop) and Web Security products like CheckPoint Firewall.
    The sub-team of 3 is supporting Call Centers products (mainly based on Cisco technologies and IP telephony) as ICM (Intelligent Contact Manager), CRM (Customer Relationship Management), CCM (Customer Contact Manager), IPCC (Internet Protocol Contact Center) and also Web Portal solutions like YomiVision, Nextenso, LPG and some WAP solutions like Tantau and Nokia Active Server.

  • Manager

    Jan 2001 - Jan 2002

    5 working on Telecom products and complex telecom solution support, 3 working on Call Centers products at Hewlett Packard :
    The sub-team of 5 was supporting Telecom SS7 protocol (Signaling Services version 7) and OpenCall Products as OCMC (Open Call Multi Controller for Voice on IP for instance), OCMP (Open Call Media Platform), AIN (Advanced Intelligent Network), IAC (Internet Access Controller), etc.
    The 3 others have the same activities as described above.

  • Support Engineer & Consultant

    Jan 2000 - Jan 2001

    on Billing product for Telecoms (BMP: Billing Mediation Platform) and also on OpenView TMN (Telecom Management Network) at Hewlett Packard :
    It was a transitional period where I came back to more technical activities of support and consulting around Telecom peripheral products.

  • Jan 2000 - Jan 2000

    100%Dedicated as European Program Manager to the Server Based Computing Pilot (SBC Pilot) at Hewlett Packard :
    The SBC pilot lasted 5 months. The purpose was to test over ~2% of HP a Windows Terminals architecture based on NT 4.0 Terminal Server and Citrix MetaFrame 1.8. to check if this technology may be deployed over at least 80% of HP customer’s desktops either PC or Workstations (HP-UX or Linux). The SBC Pilot is part of the E-Client initiative, triggered by cost reductions needs.

  • User Support

    Center (I.T. Europe USC) at Hewlett Packard
    Jan 1999 - Jan 1999

    Technical Consultant at the USC (Users Support Center) for HP-UX, NT tools, IT solutions and Manager of 3 people who are the French part of the pan-European USP Technology team.

  • Manager

    Information & Technologies (I.T.) at Hewlett Packard
    Jan 1997 - Jan 1999

    7 working on dedicated Unix support for Labs (development entities for software's or hardware's products), 3 working on standard Unix support for the whole Unix workstations infrastructure in France, as well the deployment of Windows Terminals solutions under NT 3.51 (NTrigue from Insigna and Windows Based Terminal Server).
    Definition and delivery of services based around Unix platform and office productivity solutions for this environment.
    Engineering of Windows Terminals solutions to adapt them at PC COE (PC Common Operating Environment), to integrate them and deploy them on HP-UX workstations. The objective id to provide NT office productivity solutions to Unix workstations users.
    Migration’s supervision of non-Year-2000 compliants workstations in France for dedicated and standard businesses. It has been managed as a project on 1.5 years with numerous interactions with concerned businesses within HP.

  • Worldwide Technology Expert Center (W.T.E.C) at Hewlett Packard
    1994 - Jan 1997

    Worldwide Support of Unix kernel HP-UX and commands on servers and workstations for sensitive customers as well for local Countries Response Centers.
    Participation to duties rotations for worldwide 24x7 Unix support.
    On site interventions in Europe, to solve complex problems for business continuity contracts (24x7 support on critical configurations).
    Development of necessary tools to solve complex problems and to do post mortem analysis of systems analyses (crash dump).
    Temporary patches furniture for operating system or commands to quickly fix bugs waiting the official fix. These patches are next submitted to Labs to be validated, tested and officially delivered.

    W.T.E.C. handles escalated and complex problems unresolved by previous levels of support. It’s also a worldwide organisation for high-end support of business continuity and sensitive customers where English speaking is required.

  • 1989 - 1994

    support on HP9000 Unix operating system and the environment (on series 800 servers and series 300/400 & 700 workstations). Tools development for system administration or problems analysis, known problems archiving for future references.
    From 1986 to 1989, support of the real time RTE operating system on HP1000 and the environment.

    The Hewlett Packard Country Response Center delivers phone assistance to customers with an escalation process up to W.T.E.C. level.

  • Country Response Center (C.R.C), at Hewlett Packard :
    1986 - 1994

Voir le profil complet de ce freelance