Mission : Bring my expertise on Tableau Software and on data analysis especially for marketing and finance departments.
Achievements :
● Development of several dashboards on the AMSP project (Annual Marketing & Sales Plan) to help the marketing entities of each country, on their strategy and financial commitment.
● Improvement and debugging of the dashboard platforming (Schneider process of mapping and segmenting families of customers in a country to define commercial action plans)
● Training and support of several developers
Tools : Tableau
Mission : enrichment of the BI for the Initial Public Offering of OVH Cloud (hosting and Cloud).
Achievements :
● As part of the group's IPO, we created a new "sales performance" dashboard to manage the company's sales activities. As part of the group's IPO, we created a new "sales performance" dashboard to monitor the company's sales activity. In close collaboration with the management controller.
● Realization of a dashboard which allows to analyze the consumption of the vouchers of the Start-ups having been accepted by the program Start-up of OVH. With an analysis by cohort.
● Management of rights on tableau server and notably the restriction of access within the same dashboard
Tools : Tableau, SQL Server, Dremio
Mission : Improvement of Tableau dashes
Achievements :
● Creation of reports on the supervision of marketing campaigns
● Realization of an audit of a set of dashboards, at the level of good practice and performance
● Optimization of Dashboard which was very slow and corrections of various bugs
● Migration of Postgre sources to GCP then change of dashboard sources
Tools : GCP, Postgre, Tableau Software
Mission : Improvement of Tableau reporting
Achievements :
● For the analysis of the activity of the ENEDIS agents (intervention of the agents on the electric network, connection between customers and producers) we realized a dahsbord on the delays and the satisfaction of these interventions
● Advice to junior developers and fixing of bugs
● Business support
Tools : Hadoop, Tableau Software
Achievements :
● Remodeling of decision cube. These cubes were too expensive in terms of time and cost during evolution. In addition, they were not accessible via Tableau. That's why we remodeled them in a star schema under Teradata.
● Provision of a self-service dataset to the business on sales activity
● Participation and organization of a Dataviz hackathon
● Creation of a dashboard: Sales mailing campaign
Tools : Teradata, Tableau Software
Projet : Migration Tableau Server
Kenobi Telecom
Portefeuille Travaux
CSI Pilotage (TMA)
POC Obi-Wan
Mission : Création des vizs
Extraction de données
Connexion Tableau Software <=> Impala
Saegus Projet : Prestation d’éclairage à l’usage de Tableau Software
Dataiku DSS
Mission : Création d’une base de données graph (Neo4j)
Accidents & verbalisation : faisabilité de projection des données sur des segments routiers
Élections : projection des données sur contours géographiques - departements/communes
Contrôle frontière : génération de rapports automatisés – projections géographiques par pays, point de passage frontière
Lutte contre la fraude aux immatriculations : génération de rapports
Mission : Création d’une base de données graph (Neo4j)
Création des vizs