Audit of the Competence Centre (SAP CC) with reorganization plan
Objectives : Secure team and competences (30 people) and start New Dynamic
Definition of the new organization of SAP CC and the axes of development:
o Relaunch and pilote of the quality plan of SAPCC
o Relaunch of the dynamic with projects with customer engagement
o Relaunch of communication to enhance the value of the SAPCC
 Results : commitments reached, customers trust restored, positive image of SAPCC and growing project portfolio
Management of SAPHIR roll-out projects over 20 countries including Asia, Tailande, China, Uzbekistan, Bangladesh, Panama, Brazil
Migration S/4HANA on AZUR (5 months of study + 7 months project)
o Management of the S/4HANA migration RFP
o Selection of suppliers and validation of the integrator
o Relationship with SAP on tools, licenses,
o Migration Study Directorate S/4HANA (Brownfield)
Supervision of relations with services providers and external partners
Annual IS budget managed €16 million
As part of the acquisition of the American company LANE C., in charge of the IT integration of the company into the French company SAP KHEOPS core model
Management of the integration of LANE into the group's IT landscape
Deployment of the core model France (FI/CO, MM, SD, PS, HR) with processes definition, worflow, with JDE migration
Leading local IT and business teams activities in Florida (Orlando) and North Carolina
Organization and animation of Project & Steering committee
Budget: 1,3 M€
Head of IS for the 2 business units:
Viapost Industrie (Supplychain Logistics, Mail and Parcel Sorting)
Viapost Transport Management
Organization, Management & Strategy
Reorganization of the IT team, outsourcing of technical functions and internalization of Business Project Manager functions
Management of the global team resulting of the reorganization, 50 members divided around different functional and technical streams
Definition of stream within the IT department (Supply & Industry, Finance, HR, BI, Digital, Infrastructure) in charge of coordinating developments with the business lines
Harmonization of processes to all the group's warehouses with digitalization of critical processes in warehouses such as RFID inputs/outputs, sorting process with 4G server and CLOUD solution, HRprocess
Establishment of a centralized helpdesk, support activities (GLPI, JIRA)
Implementation of qualitative & quantitative monthly reporting of IT actions
Digitization of internal information with the implementation of a business intranet portal including communication part with production KPIs
Implementation of Supply Chain tools to reduce inventory and ensure better distribution of products in points of sale
Member of executive committee of VIAPOST, VI and VTM
Global IT budget in charge: 14 M€
Supply & Industry
o SupplyChain WMS REFLEX
o TMS transport (SAP TM, TELIAE cloud, blockchain,... ),
Finance (SAP FICO on HANA),
o Collaborative (sharepoint)
o Customer portal with specific web solutions
SiRH (GDPR, Kelio, Horoquartz, Cegedim)
Infrastructure (oracle, sql, windows, vmware, ...) & Helpdesk, support
Infrastructure Project
o Implementation of a repository of security requirements
o Data Center Modernization
o Negotiation of SaaS hosting contracts
SAP Project Manager at Viapost (SAP ECC + SAP TM)
Head of the BPO team and Technical team team (14 people)
SAP TM on HANA + B2B Portal ******** + SAP Helpdesk
Project Responsibilities
o Takeover of the SAP team and the SAP TM (Transportation Management) project in January 2016
o Management of SAP TM activities and start of production on June 1st with deployment of the 6 regional sites until the end of December
o Integration of the SAP TM solution with the ******** customer portal (June 2016)
Support Responsibilities
o Implementation of the SAP TM TMA for the Colisposte entity (March 2016) and VTM
o Management of SAP ECC and TM support activities in connection with external service providers (OXYA, VISEO, etc.)
o Management of the support activities for all IS
Project responsabilities
o Strategy for the development of the Information system for transport
o Global IS Architecture
o Management of Project Manager on SalesForce, TMS (TELIAE, ITEM), P2P projects,...
o Member of the steering committee
project: implementation of SAP ECC6 (modules FICO, MM, SD)
LONGCHAMP: Project PEGASE (SAP AFS implementation (Apparel & Footwear Solution)
AIRBUS: response with Tech Mahindra to the RFP: Design of the process and organization of the delivery and transition phase on an Onsite, Onshore and Offshore model.
o Management of SAP ECC6 projects (including AGILE methodology)
o Coordination of technical teams dedicated to projects
o Follow-up of delivery with outsourced development center
o Improvement of the delivery quality process
o Study and Proposal of System Landscapes for Maintenance/Project activities
o Budget in charge : 5 M€
o REFERENTIEL : Implementation of SAP for data (vendor, customers, sites)
o ONE : Pricing Conditions Agreement cockpit
o EDM : Electronic document management based on SAP DMS
o TMS : Creation of interface of SAP with TMS software
o SIGP : Implementation of SAP IS RETAIL
o HR : Coordination of all HR maintenance
NOKIA Finland: ECC6 upgrade project manager with offshore team (Hungary/India)
ARKOPHARMA : Project Manager
AKKA Technologies: Project Manager response of RFP on AMS SAP EUROCOPTER
Creation of the SAP competence center onsite at Aix en Provence
Quality process implementation of the competence center including offshore model
Service Delivery manager
Offshore Specialist (Implementation and management of a Front/BackOffice)
o ASF (Autoroutes Sud France): response to RFP on SAP maintenance