Réalisation(s) :
Conception de l'environnement de verification ( Testbench et testcases en VHDL) pour un USB Redriver chez NXP Belgique à Leuven.
Réalisation(s) :
Scripting en TCL et automatisation du flot de conception de l’IP PRCM (Power Reset Clock Management) pour omap6430 platforme ) pour conception ASIC.
synthese DC synopsys et RC cadence ( generation du RTL structurel et application des contraintes de timing a partir des specifications.)
LEC (equivalence checking)entre RTL et netlist de synthese,
spyglass d Atrenta (pour detection de problemes de communications de domaines de clocks, bad RTL coding detection ,etc..)
Réalisation(s) :
Apprentissage en detail des Specifications USB3.0, ( partie physical Layer, Link Layer, protocol Layer, xHCI).
Débugage du Verilog IP USB Device que ce soit dans la partie Link Layer et protocol Layer, Codage Verilog, simulation ncsim et Modelsim, synthèse FPGA Altera, analyzer LeCroy pour enregistrement Packets USB….
Integration Project Attila
- Integration (ASIC CMOS 0.21um) OMAP Architecture. Responsible for equivalence checking…
Integration Project Wrigley3g
- Integration (ASIC CMOS 0.21um) OMAP Architecture. Application Image processing and Voice for phone cells. RTL Assembly. , ECO scripting, equivalence checking
Integration project Neptune3g2
- Integration (ASIC CMOS 0.21um) OMAP Architecture. Application Image processing and Voice for phone cell. RTL Assembly (complexity 40000 signals)(with SPIDER of Duolog) et Bug Tracking (Rational clearQuest, IBM), Power Management (isolation Power domain). ClearCase for File Management¦
Full time Eng. Consulting ALTIOR in Schneider.
- Specification (chronogramme TimingDesigner), Verilog Coding & simulation (NC-Verilog Cadence) of an Asynchrone Dpram
- Selection of Uart IPs
Full Time Eng. Consulting ALTIOR in Schneider for the Design of an ASIC 0.25u NEC
- Contribution for the architecture of a Private Bus Microcontroler ,
- Coding of various modules (Verilog),
- simulation (NC-Verilog Cadence) & cosimulation in C
- ASIC Test integration in C embedded.
- Use of Synopsys FORMALITY Tool for formal verification,
- File Manager gCVS
Design and specification of the network interface for a FCIP storage area network (SAN) products.
Senior ASIC Architect/Designer
- Specification & Design of TCP/IP in hardware.
- Study & state of the art for real time techniques applied for iSCSI protocol
Project Leader/Architect
- Design & specification of the Network interface for FCIP storage area network (SAN)
Design of the ASIC part for internet router
ASIC Designer
- Functional Simulations with NC_Verilog for the validation of a Network Processor 2 gigabit.
- Architectural Design for a high-speed 20 gigabit "search engine".
- Contribution for the study of the feasibility of a 40 gigabit Network Processor.
- Study of the IP cores CPU (ARM, MIPS) in the market
Design of an ASIC for video application (projector, flat panel display)
Senior Eng.
- Coding in VHDL for an ASIC CMOS 0.25u, Simulation with Modelsim MTI and Synthesis & STA with Synopsys Design Analyzer. Design of Memory Controler & FIFO,
- Coding in VHDL for an ASIC CMOS 0.18u IBM, Simulation with Modelsim MTI and Synthesis & STA with Synopsys Design Analyzer. Design of the Host, etc…
- Implemented several FPGAs for a system that performed automated analysis of pap smear tests. Worked with Altera.
- Also designed a PCI data acquisition board.