EGATE (E-GATE/ E*GATE) est un outil d'EAI (Enterprise application integration) qui développe des passerelles spécifiques à même de relier plusieurs applications, afin de les faire dialoguer entre elles. En effet, E*GATE est un progiciel qui permet d'analyser les échantillons d'informations qui lui proviennent des différentes applications (ERP, CRM, business intelligence, bases de données...)
In the context of building a new generation ERP runtime system, fully metadata driven, and based on a Domain Specific Language, design and implementation of a full authorization engine in Java for complex integrated systems using WebServices – EJB – Java Generation.
- Definition of a Role and Rule based Authorization engine.
- Modify generated code to integrate the security request in the core system code for a maximum security level.
- Definition of a Domain Specific Language defining the Security rules used by the engine to evaluate Authorization request and generation of the Java classes.
- Definition of an Eclipse based set of tools to edit/define/customize the security definition, integrated in a complete application development tool for the new ERP runtime system.
Main Points :
- Strong exposure to Lawson Security Models (Classical and Landmark)
- Work with fully Metadata driven architecture
- Creation of Domain Specific Language : parsing and Java classes automatic generation
- Integration in Application Servers (EJBs and Web Services, WebSphere, JBoss and Tomcat)
- Development of a Rapid Application Development tool in the Eclipse Framework
Design and implementation a new CORBA architecture for a data acquisition real time system for MudLogging, based on the data server developed earlier.
The aim is to manage all the server-side modules in a same way.
- Design administration and diagnosis procedures
- Design CORBA interfaces using the procedures to standardize the behavior of all the servers regarding administration tasks
- Implement this interfaces in the 30 different CORBA servers, each one manage a particular type of data.
- Design a GUI to allow the users to use the procedures, diagnoses a problem and try to solve it.
- Changing ORB from Visibroker 3 to JavaIDL, and using of POA instead of BOA in all the system.
- Design and implement a solution to launch the different servers in different JVM other the different PCs used.
- Design and implements a set of tools and different clients for this server (User applications, Scripting tools, computation processes, …)
Design and implementation of interfaces between external programs and Lawson ERP.
Environment : Lawson, E*Gate, Oracle, HPUX.
Development in Java of E*Gate interfaces to process automatically data files received by mail in the different Lawson applications (Purchase Orders, General Ledgers, …)
Main Points :
- Integration of complex systems
- E*Gate, Oracle, Lawson, HPUX
Design and implementation of a Real-Time Database Server.
- In a CORBA architecture (Visibroker), Real-Time multi-threaded server implemented in C++ under Windows 2000.
- Starting with different modules existing in a prototype and global rewriting of these modules in a way to increase performances and to integrate new high-level functionalities.
- Design and implementation of various Java clients for this server
- Then Design and implement this server in Java 1.4.
Resulting Server :
- Full 100% Java Data server.
- Tested with 2000 concurrent requests.
- Manage storage in binary files, memory cache system, and subscriptions functionalities to alert clients when new values are entered in the database.
- High level data processing
Design and implementation of an integrated administration tool for an administrative system which produces Identification Cards, secured by fingerprints, for the Malaisian estate.
- Study of the existing administration tools for the diferent servers used for the system. Study and customization of an administration tool. Patrol was finally chosen to integrate all the other tools dedicated to each server.
- Dimensioning of the Oracle databases and workflow manager FileNet.
- Design and implementation of specific tools in Visual C++/MFC.