J & B acquired Sylaps Inc in October 2018 and therefore I also kept my role at Sylaps Inc in parallel or my
new role to lead software engineering at J&B. In 20 short years, J & B has become one of the largest
women business and one of the Biggest Medical enterprises in the world and remains privately held and
based in Wixom, Michigan. Founded in 1996, J & B has sixteen different business enterprises and has
customers in 48 states and 28 countries.
Software Engineer contributing to Kaazing CDN (Content Delivery Network) products, focused on the
NodeJS, HTTP2 and WebSocket stack. Also maintainer of Kaazing MontageJS HTML5 Framework and
Disasteraware projects on web, native mobile (hybrid app for iOS and Android) and desktop (Chromium
embedded framework). Kaazing customers include, Three of the world’s top ten banks, One of the world’s
largest energy-producing and trading companies and many of the world’s most valuable retail brands.
Software Engineer contributing to OpenConnect the biggest CDN (Content Delivery Network) ever built
to distribute Netflix's content to subscribers worldwide. Developing analytics and DevOPS software to
help maintain the large number of servers used by the CDN Network.
Sylaps is making real-time secure communication a reality by providing easy to use, secure and reliable
video conferencing solution for everybody. Sylaps also provide integration services and consulting for
small and large businesses that want to integrate Real-time communication technology into their services.
Software Architect focus on cross platform extreme performances oriented HTML5 and JavaScript
development. Leading the development of in-house Javascript Framework. Collaborating with Dassault
Systemes R&D for next generation of desktop and mobile apps.
Senior Software Developer in an international Software Company. Large application development over
PostgreSQL databases, PHP Zend Framework and JavaScript for current CMS maintenance and next
client/server redesign. Pair of the management team who maintained the development team schedule.
Manage the direct debit from banks for customers periodical subscription fee and cash-back programs.
Senior Engineer responsible for the widget like web platform using JavaScript, HTML, Ajax over PHP.
Consolidation of the cache, search engine and database layer, optimization of the video and static
content delivery.
Software Engineer focused on online service development through PHP, JavaScript over PostgreSQL.
Worked on a large traffic online photo stores and an internal employee time tracking tools. Collaborating
on an online loyalty and cash-back customer engagement platform used by international key accounts.
Manage a small Web Agency achieving maintenance of existing websites, management of the hosting
platform and domain names, write specifications and development for new customers.
Increased the infrastructure reliability and and reduced the cost by migrating legacy on-site server
hosting to distributed scalable mass hosting provider.
Creation of a centralized inventory manager for 5 physical stores dispatched in France using web
technology in order to manage more than 10 000 products references and including a cashier customer
loyalty program. Development of an Ecommerce website for selling Books and DVDs with social
community aspect: Forum, Chat, Blog, WebRadio, Online drawing board, Newsletters and Users products