Managed a team of 2-4 developers building and maintaining Camaï******** which had a successful Go-Live on September 2016.
Wrote technical specifications and gave code reviews.
Started the project from scratch.
Gave and received code reviews from hybris experts.
Designed part of the domain model.
Designed, implemented and documented custom solutions : data Integration, the order splitting strategy, the
shipping rates strategy, etc.
Designed and maintained the Unit Tests, Integration Tests.
Managed a team of 3 developers.
+2 years experience building portals with Liferay EE in SOA.
Integrations with :
- LDAP, OpenSSO,
- Documentum, Alfresco,
- Business Object.
- W4 BPM, workflow.
Hands on experience with Subversion administration, Red Hat Linux, JBoss AS, and setting up and
maintaining a Jenkins installation.
Corporate portal development with Jahia 6 CMS, Google Search Appliance. Prototyping features.
Copernic project at Direction Générale des Impôts.
- OCFI project (Référentiel des occurrences fiscales): designing services.
- TOPAD project (Topographie des adresses fiscales): Writing use cases with UML.
SIDEF project (Système d'information du Déplacement Ferroviaire du fret de la SNCF) - 12 developers, 6
BA, 4 PM.