Madagascar, Fianarantsoa, Ranomafana
Project: Estimated travel time to health care centers in Ifanadiana District
Project: Design and implementation of a web for management of tuition
(modules: Registration, Re-enrollment and Attendance)
Majunga, Madagascar
Project: Design and implementation of web application for the management
of fixed assets in a large multi-site company « QLM ImmoSite » Tools:
Framework PHP (CodeIgniter 3), Plugins (HTML2PDF, PHPMAIL,
PHPEXCEL), MySQL (Database), JavaScript, JQuery, Framework Bootstrap 3 and deploy by WampServer 2.5.
1. Mauricianot Randiamihaja. Estimation du temps de parcours aux soins de santé dans le District d’Ifanadianaàpartirde mesures prises sur le terrain (Mémoire de fin d’étude en master 2).
2. Felana Angella Ihantamalala, Vincent Herbreteau, Christophe Révillion, Mauricianot ********, JérémyCommins, Tanjona Andréambeloson, Feno H. Rafenoarimalala, Andriamihaja Randrianambinina, LauraF. Cordier,Matthew H. Bonds, and Andres Garchitorena. Improving geographical accessibility modeling for operational useby local health actors. ********.1186/s12942-020-00220-6
3. Andres Garchitorena, Felana A Ihantamalala, Christophe Révillion, Laura F Cordier, Mauricianot ********,Benedicte Razafinjato, Feno H Rafenoarivamalala, Karen E. Finnegan, Jean-Claude Andrianirinarison, JulioRakotonirina, Vincent Herbreteau, Matthew H Bonds. Geographic Barriers to Achieving Universal HealthCoverageina rural district of Madagascar. ********.1101/2020.07.15.20155002
4. Andres Garchitorena, Ann C Miller, Laura F Cordier, Marius Randriamanambintsoa, Hery-Tiana RRazanadrakato,Mauricianot ********, Benedicte Razafinjato, Karen E Finnegan, Justin Haruna, Luc Rakotonirina, GermainRakotozafy, Laliarisoa Raharimamonjy, Sidney Atwood, Megan B Murray, Michael Rich, Tara Loyd, GaêtanDuvalSolofomalala, Matthew H Bonds. District-level health system strengthening for universal health coverage: evidencefrom a longitudinal cohort study in rural Madagascar, 2014-2018. BMJ Global Health 2020;5:e003647.
5. Felana Angella Ihantamalala, Matthew H Bonds, Mauricianot ********, Luc Rakotonirina, Vincent Herbreteau,Christophe Révillion, Serge Rakotoarimanana, Giovanna Cowley, Tsirinomen’ny Aina Andritiana, AlishyaMayfield,Michael Rich, Rado JL Rakotonanahary, Karen E Finnegan, Andriamanolohaja Ramarson, BenedicteRazafinjato,Bruno Ramiandrisoa, Andriamihaja Randrianambinina, Laura F Cordier, Andres Garchitorena. Geographicbarrierstoestablishing a successful hospital referral system in rural Madagascar. ********.1101/2021.08.06.21261682Applications web réalisées
(R Shiny, Leaflet, OSRM, PostGIS); Tableau de bord I-HOPE
(R Shiny, Leaflet, PostGIS) ; GestiondescolaritéEMIT (CodeIgniter 3, PostgreSQL, JavaScript, JQuery), QLM ImmoSite (CodeIgniter 3, MySQL, JavaScript, JQuery),Logiciel desktop Galana Fianarantsoa – Gestion des marchandises (Visual Basic .NET, MS Access)
Project: Conception and realization of a software for the management of
general merchandise
Tools: Visual Basic .NET, MS Access (Database).