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Les derniers profils d'Analyste credit Amiens

CV Chef de projet Développeur SQL SERVER WINDEV C# .NET

Chef de projet Développeur SQL SERVER WINDEV C# .NET

CV Business Analyst SQL

Business Analyst SQL

CV Consultant SECURITE

Consultant SECURITE

  • Amiens
CV Consultant AMOA / SAP FICO S/4HANA | Gestion de projet

Consultant AMOA / SAP FICO S/4HANA | Gestion de projet

  • Amiens
CV Assistant à maîtrise d'ouvrage REDMINE

Assistant à maîtrise d'ouvrage REDMINE

  • Amiens
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Les nouvelles missions d'Analyste credit Amiens

Business Analyst Sharepoint

75 - PARIS
3 mois
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Business analyst Salesforce - Support utilisateur

75 - PARIS
18 mois
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Consultant BA Assurances GraphTalk A.I.A.

60 jours ouvrés
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Exemple de missions d'Edward,
Business Analyst freelance

  • Business Analyst (FO)

    Banque de France (Paris)CALYPSO V14
    Jan 2014 - Jan 2017

    • Configurer et paramétrer directement dans le progiciel CALYPSO V 14 les « Business Stories » définies sur le projet MAPS en accord avec les résultats attendus sur les cas de tests et les meilleures pratiques du marché,
    • Finaliser la mise à jour du cahier des charges utilisateurs, des éventuels processus métier manquants, des « Business Stories » opérations de marché sur les activités Front Office et sur les instruments utilisé par BDF
    • Rédiger les spécifications fonctionnelles détaillées en conformité avec les procédures de traitement « Front-Office », des besoins utilisateurs et des meilleures pratiques de marché,
    • Définir et tester les interfaces « Front » à mettre en place avec les systèmes en amont et en aval de MAPS,
    • Organiser, définir et participer aux différents tests fonctionnels (unitaires et de bout en bout) de validation des paramétrages et de configuration de CALYPSO V14
    • Organiser les ateliers de travail avec les différents acteurs concernés (utilisateurs, maitrise d’œuvre, éditeur, direction projet, …)
    • Assurer la coordination des différents acteurs du projet MAPS sur les chantiers ou sur les itérations définis sur le projet MAPS (optimisation du partage des tâches entre acteurs, suivi et respect des plannings, gestion des dérives, reporting adapté)
    • Formaliser les supports nécessaires :
    o à la bonne mise en production de la nouvelle plateforme MAPS dans son ensemble (lors des phases d’implémentation et de migration vers MAPS)
    o à la bonne mise en œuvre des changements liés à toute évolution des activités métiers (processus métier, analyse d’impact, support de formation aux utilisateurs, procédure opérationnelle…).
    • assister en tant que de besoin aux réunions des équipes projet, fonctionnelles et à différents ateliers
    • Taches / Livrables
    o Rédaction de livrables propres et exploitables
    o Spécifications fonctionnelles détaillées
    o Définition des cas de test
    o Organisation des plans de recette utilisateur
    o Recueil de besoins utilisateurs
    o Études et Analyse d’impact, d’opportunité, de faisabilité

    Environnement : • Produits : o titres des marchés monétaires et obligataires en euros et en devises o opérations de Prêt/Emprunt, Repo/Reverse repo o opérations de change (spot, terme, swaps, options) o contrats futurs de taux et swaps de taux, IRS, etc. o Collateral Management, Sec-Lending, Gestion déléguée / Asset Management • Front-Office : o Saisie des opérations, enrichissement, simulation o Performance, P&L, Position Management
  • Calypso V13 Business Analyst (MO/BO)

    UniCredit Bank, Munich, Germany
    Jan 2013 - Jan 2014

    Project Definition: CalypsoV13 integration for credit derivatives and interest rate swaps for Dodd-Frank and EMIR reporting to DTCC
    • Define reporting requirements for credit derivatives and interest rate swaps to DTCC in compliance with Dodd-Frank and EMIR regulations.
    • Configure static data, domain values, messages, trades and messages workflows in Calypso.
    • Define, set up and execute test cases for submitting PET-RT, Confirm, Snapshot and DS-Match messages to DTCC for various sub products of rates and credits.
    • Analyze messages data for rates and credits reported to and received from DTCC; review and reconcile DTCC position reports.
    • Run automated regression testing tool and validate results.

  • Senior Business Analyst (FO/MO/BO)

    US Bank, New York, NY Calypso V 13
    Jan 2013 - Jan 2013

    Project Definition: Front-to-back Calypso V13 implementation for Interest Rate Derivatives, REPO and Futures
    • Gathered business requirements for market data, risk reports, trade workflows, accounting; pre-trade and trade capture of interest rate derivatives, REPO, futures and fixed income;
    • Defined current and future state processes, writing use cases for clearing of interest rate derivatives in compliance with Dodd-Frank regulations.
    • Defined a full set of requirements for collateral management, IM/IA/VM splitting rules, hypo and non-rehypo cash and securities books fro REPO and OTC collaterals, concentration and optimization rules.
    • Configured collateral management, CSA agreements, CTPT ratings, optimization and concentration modules; set up workflows, messages, market data curves, trading books and hierarchies.
    • Defined regulatory Dodd Frank reporting requirements for derivatives data to SDR.
    • Drafted test cases supporting defined use cases.

  • Business Analyst (FO)

    Pohjola Bank, Helsinki, Finland Calypso V13
    Jan 2012 - Jan 2013

    Project Definition: Front-to-back Calypso V 13 implementation for Interest Rate Derivatives and FX
    • Gathered requirements for market data, risk reports and trade capture of swaps, swaptions, caps&floors, FX forward and FX options.
    • Defined configuration for market data and middle-tier servers (Calculation and Presentation servers), set up configuration for indexes, pricing measures, pricing parameters, pricing environments, curves, volatility surfaces;
    • Designed CWS risk reports (Sensitivity, Simulation, Pricing, Forward Ladder, PnL) and resolve performance related issues; set up structures for FX options in Pricing Sheet.
    • Participated in the trades migration rehearsal mocktest and the real go-live, review trades and analyzed cash flows and PnLs.
    • Documented defects and prepared testcases for front-office business users.

  • Senior Business Analyst (FO)

    Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco, San Francisco/New York – via Calypso Calypso V11
    Jan 2010 - Jan 2011

    Project Definition: Front-office Calypso V 11 implementation for Advances (loans), Fixed Income and IRD
    • Elicited and documented business requirements for the market data and downstream reporting from business users (traders, mortgage finance, treasury department); created use cases and defined workflows between Reuters and bank market data; advised Calypso Product Management as to issues regarding developed new products.
    • Configured front-office and middle office in Calypso setting pricing environments, pricing configurations and pricers, risk scenarios, constructing zero, basis and offset curves, defining indices, quotes and curves underlyings, swaptions and cap volatility surfaces.
    • Assisted traders in configuring trading screens blotters for fixed income and interest rate derivatives; developed shock scenarios and verified produced valuation for derivatives.
    • Identified and analyzed fields required for trade capture of bonds, swaps, advances, REPO, swaptions, exotic structures; analyzed Bloomberg feed for MBS’s and mapped MBS data fields to Calypso.
    • Created test cases, test scripts and test scenarios; facilitated defect resolution; prepared training material and conduct user training.

  • Project Manager/Sr. Business Analyst (MO/BO)

    Northaven Management Hedge Fund, New York, NY
    Jan 2008 - Jan 2009

    Project Definition: Business design and implementation of the partnership accounting system
    • Functionally designed a web-based application PASS (Partnership Allocation Software System), which measures partnership performance, computes investor income and capital allocations and return analysis for US domestic and off-shore hedge or private-equity funds.
    • Analyzed existing business processes, studied partnership agreements and offering memorandums; defined business rules; proposed business solutions for automation and optimization of monthly and annual investor reports.
    • Created project plan, business process documents with process flow diagrams and business models with use cases.
    • Interviewed portfolio managers, traders, product controllers and research analysts to gather and document business requirements.
    • Design GUI prototypes, front-end screens fields layout and mock-ups.
    • Generated test cases, executed them and documented results in Test Director.

  • Senior Business Analyst (FO/MO/BO)

    Federal Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis, Indianapolis/New York
    Jan 2008 - Jan 2012

    Project Definition: Front-to back Calypso V 12 implementation for Interest Rate Derivatives (incl. FAS 133)
    • Reviewed current systems and business processes and designed future state diagrams for interest rate derivatives, fixed income instruments, REPO, advances, money markets.
    • Created Vision and Scope document; interview business users (treasury, credit department, financial control) to generate business requirements and identify and document work flows for processing and clearing swaps, hedge effectiveness testing, derivatives valuation and hedge FAS 133 accounting, for issuing and processing bonds.
    • Analyzed economic trade details fields and cashflows for different types of swaps and swaptions; created trade templates used for mapping existing bank trades and future trade capturing.
    • Configured market data (indices, undelyings, zero and basis curves, cap and vol surfaces), pricing environment and pricer configuration, risk scenarios, chart of account, trade and messaging workflows.
    • Prepared test scenarios and execute test cases.
    • Prepared training plans, training materials and conduct training session of Calypso for business users.

  • Business Analyst

    Morgan Stanley, New York, NY - via Comsys
    Jan 2006 - Jan 2007

    Project Definition: Business design of Data Feed Mgmt apps for bonds and loans, CDS, Volatility in Modelware
    • Designed business model, identified and generated requirements and use cases for the Data Feed Management (DFM) system that controls and maintains the quality of corporate bonds reference and pricing data for Cross Asset Class application.
    • Analyzed data models and wrote SQL Queries for extracting fixed income data, implied volatility, loans data, equity research financial metrics, CDS data, from various market sources (Bloomberg, fid1, Capital IQ, Loan IQ, Mark IT).
    • Interfaced with valuati...

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