Notre base de 157260 CV vous permet de trouver rapidement un Data scientist Marseille freelance. Recevez gratuitement et sous 24h maximum les CV des meileurs intervenants disponibles.
- Built an audience segmentation methodology for our publishers (websites with +30M visitors/month).
- Set best practices and tools to deliver data science/ML projects (code quality, CI/CD, docker, tests...)
- Setup and analyzed A/B test results.
- Built an approach to forecast sales for new products (without data
history) by leveraging products similarities
- Built a NLP based recommendation system to help call centers
agents retrieve articles from a knowledge base in real time.
- Conducted several analyses on customer behavior on BigQuery for
a big e-commerce company (churn, response to promotions,..).
- Implemented time series models to forecast demand in the retail
sector combining various inputs (promotions, sell-in, sell-out...)
- Deployed ML models at scale on Kubernetes using MLflow and performed load tests to address scalability and availability issues.
- Built an approach to forecast sales for new products (without data history) by leveraging products similarities
- Built a NLP based recommendation system to help call centers agents retrieve articles from a knowledge base in real time.
- Conducted several analyses on customer behavior on BigQuery for a big e-commerce company (churn, response to promotions,..).
- Implemented time series models to forecast demand in the retail sector combining various inputs (promotions, sell-in, sell-out...)
- Deployed ML models at scale on Kubernetes using MLflow and performed load tests to address scalability and availability issues.
- Developed multiple appetency scoring algorithms on Spark
Databricks for Samsung to predict website visitors interests on online navigation and CRM data.
- Worked on quite varied use cases shaping the future of travel and tourism in Dubai (Insights about tourists’ behaviors, time series forecasting, data clustering and markets segmentation..)
- Used text mining techniques to analyze millions of reviews collected by the french government to understand citizens demands.
-Worked within the research and innovation department on choice modelling within airlines and travel industry.
Developed a POC for text localization and recognition in images using deep learning techniques.