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In a team of 4. I am responsible for the migration of all applications to GKE at group level. I focus on architecture, terraform implementation, helm,
github actions, docker and Automations tasks. During my mission, I migrated hundreds of applications, saving Adeo Thousands of euros.
Devops : Github Actions, Helm, Terraform, Kubernetes, GKE, Docker, Datadog
As a Devops engineer. I help teams in docker and automation to deliver app to Kubernates EKS clusters.
My main challenge was to improve performances of the new front page application before release.
Devops : Docker, Kubernates, EKS, EC2, Ansible, CircleCI, Splunk, Splunk APM, Open Telemetry, Helm, Traefik, Grafana, Prometheus, Terraform, Lens,
Cloudflare, Varnish
Dev : Nodejs, Nuxt, VueJS
For a startup project about roaming vehicles sharing. In an agile team of 3 and a GCP archi. I dev multiple micro services backend in NestJS and
help building and GCP infra using Terraform.
Dev : Nodejs, Javascript, Typescript, NestJS
Devops : GitlabCI, Docker, Kubernates, GCP, Terraform
Inside the innovative IA department, I was responsible for Alexa Skill dev and migration to AWS Lambda.
Working alone in Kanban and scrum.
Devops : AWS, Terraform, AWS lambda, Codebuild
Dev: NodeJS, Javascript, Koa, PostgreSQL, DynamoDB
Outils: Git, Jira / Confluence
Panorabanques is a french online banq comparison startup with 50 employees.
As a freelance Developer, I am in charge of moving Panorabanque's stack to AWS infra and rewriting all of their aging current applications. I also
work on optimizing workflows and reducing time to delivery.
Team of two, working in scrum.
Devops : Docker, AWS, Terraform, Selenium
Dev : VueJS, NodeJS, Javascript
Outils : Github, Jira / Confluence
For French luxury Group Kering in a team of 5 in Kanban methodology.
As a NodeJS dev, I am working for facades between Kering Groups back ends.
With the Vendor Team I define needs and provide technical expertise for decisions about the projects future interfaces.
Vendor : Need analysis
Project Management : Load Distribution, Taskforce, War Rooms, Team Building, Agile, Kanban, English
Tools : Jenkins, Gitlab, Terraforme, Linux Ubuntu
Devops : Docker, Docker Compose, AWS, Nexus, Apache Kafka, Terraform
Development : NodeJS, Javascript, TypeScript, Mocha & Chai, Tests, TDD, NPM Creation and maintenance
For a work test, I flew to Tokyo for 3 days to participate in multiple business strategy workshops.
I challenged the software and database architecture. I also worked on a monitoring and dashboard solution for business analysis and decisions.
Business Development : Google Analytics, Workshops
Architecture : SQL Architecture, Software Architecture.
In a project of 120 peoples aiming to digitize EDF nuclear plant production.
I was Technical Leader in an SAFe Agile team of 12 people to customize Dassault 3DX experience to simplify creation and management of Nuclear
Industrial Direction : Nuclear Under Pressure parts.
Skills : Nodejs, Safe, 3DX, Javascript, Devops, Unit Test, Integration Test, BDD.
CICD : Jenkins, Nexus, Sonar
Tools : Intellij, Jira, Confluence
In a scrum team of 6 in a project of 80 people. I was in charge of building of a System Delivery for LaPoste Mobile new services
UI programming : Architecture Framing, NodeJS programming, Angular 4 Programming, Java Oracle Connector Programming, Agile
Application Management : Task Force for bug resolution, Tickets ratting
Bug Fixing : Angular 4, Bootstrap, NodeJS, Unit Tests, BDD, Java, Apache Camel, Oracle