Notre base de 157870 CV vous permet de trouver rapidement un Scrum master Strasbourg freelance. Recevez gratuitement et sous 24h maximum les CV des meileurs intervenants disponibles.
❖ Work with C-level: mainly CPO (Chief People Officer) and CTO (Chief Transformation Officer)
❖ Train and coach/ mentor Scrum teams, Scrum-masters and Product owners
❖ Build and coach a team whose role is delivering of agility and happiness at work.
❖ Work with HR on Management 3.0 issues (employee satisfaction and focus, measuring impact)
❖ Apply agility in HR-team work (short term measurable team-goals, measuring impact, etc.)
❖ Intervene (C-level) to promote agility :No-meeting Fridays, Global learning-day, etc.
❖ One-on-one sessions on all levels to understand and tweak agility and engagement.
❖ Numerous trainings, workshops in various teams and levels (Dev, BA, Training-team, HR, etc.)
❖ Create and nurture the the Scrum-master community
❖ Animate several large Open-space-Technology events (60 people, 3 hours).
❖ Get company involved with the bangkok Agile community.
Reference(Chief People Officer): “...ability to ask questions and make people look at things in different perspectives”
❖ Help harness agility to make an effective team and deliver an ambitious product on time.
Reference(CEO): “In the first four weeks Dov made possible to multiply our velocity three-fold, and lowers massively the stress level at the same time. ”
Role: Agile coach (Kickstarting an Agile transformation)
❖ Training a team (+ PO) and tackling regulatory constraints of a medical product.
Reference(PO): “Dov was really implicated onto our business and understand our business goal.”
Business: Financial market trading solutions
Role: Agile-coach(multi-site), Scrum-master, Fun-Sheriff
❖ Reporting directly to CTO (120 members, 4 continents), enhance Agile maturity company-wide.
❖ Training and coaching teams (Hong-Kong, NYC) to bootstrap Scrum.
❖ Energising the SM community worldwide to constantly re-examine Agile values and implementation: workshops, coach-retreat, serious-games and numerous one-on-ones.
❖ Taking fun seriously, creating the role of a Fun-Sheriff (CHO equivalent), with world-wide Fun-Deputies and a fun-budget - taking charge of valorising fun as a company-asset.
❖ Scrum-Master of two teams.
❖ creating a 360-feedback system (with zero cost), bringing higher value than ‘traditional’ 360.
❖ Initiating exceptional and regular company-wide agile-related events and ceremonies (such as multi-site Open-space and a Coach-retreat weekend in Rumania).
❖ Initiating, facilitating and leading Agile related Brown-bag-lunches
Product director - Paris: “Dov is a pure source of creativity. He’s also constantly keeping up to date with new ideas and experience from the worldwide Agile community. “
Scrum Master - Paris: “a fabulous cocktail to energize your teams and shift mindset in your organization”
Senior developer - Cluj: “Free thinker. Innovator. Trend setter. Movement shaker. Agile.”
Scrum Master - Hong Kong: “Dov helps to redefine the scrum process we used to have and makes the process much more fun and harmonic! “
Business: A SaaS solution to manage medical equipment
Role: Project-Manager/ Scrum-master
❖ Take in charge the project (silverlight based), to successful Beta.
❖ Serve a team of 8
❖ Put Agile in place. (revive demos, retrospectives, estimations, DOD, etc.)
❖ facilitate conceiving and following thru a manageable release plan.
❖ Automate unit tests, functional tests, revive test suite (from failure and low performance)
❖ Define and follow-thru KPIs (Business Value, Velocity, Failure rate).
Reference (Product Owner): Dov managed through fun games/ceremonies and leadership to have the Dev Team trust him, while always focusing on ROI and timeboxes.
Business: Electronic signature, authentication management.
Role: Proxy PO, Agile Coach, Scrum-master
❖ Reporting directly to CTO to put in place Scrum and Agile, serving a team of 8 people (Dev, QA, Doc), helping recovery from a previous implementation failure.
❖ Proxy Product-Owner: define Business Value and Minimal Viable Product. represent stakeholders.
❖ Agile Coach:Training a team to Scrum and coaching team and Scrum-master.
❖ On-time delivery of an ambitious project under committed time and budget.
❖ Put in place Behavior Driven Development (using Cucumber)
Reference (Lead dev/ Scrum-master) “Thanks to Dov, the team became more efficient, more wide mind and more agile. A great agile coach !”
Business: Dematerialising the French public-service bidding system.
Role: Project-Manager, Team-lead (Scrum-master) of 6 people.
❖ Project manager of Omnikles (a suite of Web apps with obsolete technology) following an acquisition by Oodrive.
❖ Putting in place development processes such as: code-reviews, unit-tests, ticketing between dev. and support, debugging techniques.
❖ Recruitment process
❖ Java/J2EE tech-lead (SPRING, OOD, design-patterns)
❖ Scrum training and functioning.
Reference (Team lead): “a unique combination of a large set of technical skills ,a unique managerial view, and an informal pragmatic and direct approach. “
Business: Automatic language translation (online and standalone)
❖ Plan and deliver a high-scale client-server product. (with a .Net client, outstanding ergonomy, and a multi-tier web application)
❖ Architecture of an extensible environment supporting distributed translation.
❖ Introduction of new utils and techno (Spring -IOC, MVC, sécurité, ActiveMQ, Maven, code reviews and refactoring)
❖ Full delivery of two web apps: Doc-base manager and Training, and a web translation tool (systranet)
❖ Rewrite of complex modules (Java & Javascript)
❖ Pass of a Security audit
Reference (Tech lead): “Not only did I find the intelligent and humane way Dov applied Scrum exceptional, but I especially liked the dynamics and efficiency that he managed to contaminate our team and project with.”
❖ Client: Developing highly customizable clients (SWING et JSF)
❖ Server: Workflow engine, Dynamic schema editor (EJB+Spring, Web Services, RMI),
❖ Web dev (JSF, JSP, XSL, SOAP), two rich clients (SWING).
❖ Responsible for a big prod. manage user events and crisis.
❖ Coordination of multi-site dev., including (France), Israel, US and India
Business: Identity management
Role: Team management
❖ Responsible for several identity managements applications in development and maintenance state.
❖ Managing a team of 8 people located in Israel, UK and USA.
❖ Challenges include (tech) performance, ergonomy, production, integration, as well as (human) team integration.