Mahjoub - Business Analyst BUSINESS OBJECTS
Ref : 111129S003-
9230 WETTEREN (Belgique)
Chef de projet, Consultant fonctionnel, Business Analyst (50 ans)
Tarif Journalier MoyenVoir le tarif

Senior IT Consultant: Test Manager - Business & Functional Analyst
Company Smals – MvM ( ******** ) Brussels – BelgiumJan 2012 - Jan 2012Mission Test manager, Business & functional analyst for e-Government project
(GoToT Simultaneous Employment ).
Customer: NSSO (National Social Security Office: ********)
In application of the European new rules concerning the simultaneous
employement in two or more different EU coutries, the project aim is to
implement two different interfaces (Interne and web based interface) to be
used by ONSS agents, employers and employees to declare all these kinds of
simultaneous employments.
My mission is to manage all testing activities (generating reports, creating test
cases, execute tests is necessary, monitor testing budget…) and also to work
as bussiness and functional analyst (analyzing some UC…).
Used Methodologies: UML and AGILE
Used tools: Use cases, UML diagrams, Visio, MS project, SCRUM, Stories,
planning game, Sprint, TestLink, Jira. -
Senior IT Consultant: Business & Functional Analyst
Company Smals – MvM ( ******** ) Brussels – BelgiumJan 2011 - Jan 2011Mission Business and functional analyst for e-Government project (ehealth).
Customer: SPF Santé (Service Féderal Public santé)
The automation of the process of requesting encryptation and
authentication certificates for the ehealth portal (********).
Used Methodologies: UML and AGILE
Used tools: Use cases, UML diagrams, Visio, MS project, SCRUM, Stories,
planning game, Sprint. -
0 IT Business Analyst – Business Analysis For Internal CR’s & projects
Jan 2008 - Jan 2010– Project management
Company KPN Belgiumà Orange group ( ******** )
TELECOM company Wemmel – Belgium
Mission IT Business analysis for Change Requests received from different KPN
internal departments.
Responsible for the CR handover, project planning, analyses, implementation.
Plan, Organise and animation of meetings with Requestors, developers &
Business processes modeling using different modeling tools.
Requirement gathering with the requestor à Requirements document.
Analyses of the request: feasibility, different possible solutions using UML
diagrams (analysis, use cases, communication, activity..), Enterprise architect
& Visio as modeling tools.
Study of the system impacts.
Prepare the test scenarios.
Documentation of the analysis.
Guide & assist developers in the development phase.
Testing: preparation of test scenarios, perofrm Internal tests and assist users
to perform UAT (User Acceptance Tests).
Implementation and deployment of the developed solution, Train users.
Achievements More than 5 large projects: CRM, OCS, Venus…
More than 20 CRs. -
Project Manager
Jan 2007 - Jan 2008Documentation, Planning & Quality Manager for a large project in KSA.
Company SIEMENS nv/sa ( ******** ) Huizingen - Belgium
Mission Responsible for the project planning, implementation and deployment
of a DMS system. Control the respect of project processes according to
Siemens Project Procedures (********).
Design, develop, test and implement of some IT tools to be used by
project team members.
Administration of an external web server (France).
Achievements Points Dynamics DMS system implemented on web server in France,
more than 75 internal and external users use this system, more than 2000
documents exchanged.
CMS: Correspondance Management System
DTR: Document Tracking Register -
IT Test Engineer – Test Engineer for an automation project in Charleroi.
Jan 2007 - Jan 2007Company SIEMENS nv/sa ( ******** ) Huizingen - Belgium
Mission Responsible for the testing phase for an automation project. Planning of tests.
Coordination between project managers, programmers, client and vendors to
execute tests.
Report and communicate test results to all project partners.
Analyze and devlop some modules (G2 language)
Achievments After two years of fail, our new team succeeded to execute all needed tests.
Prelimanry Acceptance certificate delivered in September 2007. -
Web Designer / Developer
Jan 2006 - Jan 2007Company WISE Lab – Vrij Universiteit Van Brussel Brussels - Belgium
Mission Analyze, design and devlop new web site for the IFIP (International
Federation for Information Processing) working group 2.6 on Databases.
Implement the new web site and make it available online.
Finally, it is hosted on the VUB web server, used actually by more than 100
researchers around the world -
Function System Administrator & Lab supervisor
Ministry of Education & Youth Abu Dhabi – UAEJan 2003 - Jan 2005Mission Administration of a local network: 120 PCs, 100 users, 25 printers,
Supervise & planning of the use of 2 labs (20 PCs each one).
Server: Windows 2003, Clients: Windows XP.
Active directory: user and groups access management
Network monitoring, performance and alerts anlyzing
Storage devices management.
Organising and monitoring VPN Access.
Update School web site.
Achievments In 2004, I awarded the “Best IT employee in the ADEZ”. -
Function Business Development Manager – IT sector.
Real Time Computer LLC Sharjah – UAEJan 2000 - Jan 2004Mission Contact with customers (companies) to analyse their needs and propose
different Hardware and Software solutions.
Analyse the current situation
Manage development & implementation process for new contracts.
Achievments More than 50 contratcs signed with 15 customers.
Contracts was about installation of new networks, acquisition of new IT
materials (servers, PCs, Laptops, printers…), and conception and design of
new software solutions. -
Function IT Business & Functional Analyst for an E-learning Project – IT Trainer
UNESCO & Ministry of Education & Youth Dubai – UAEJan 2000 - Jan 2003Mission member of the project team for a the biggest E-learning project
in the middle East: Gathering requirements, propose & modeling of the
possible solutions, Testing with final users…
The project was a collaboration between: UNESCO, MOE UAE & UAE Gov.
I was also member of the reception jury of the project.
ICDL trainer for adults (teachers) and ICDL inspector.
Achievments 150 teachers from different diciplines awarded the ICDL.
ADEZ SMS (School Management System) was installed in more than 270
ADEZ portal launched at the end of 2003 (********).
More than 75% of different courses & exams was online. -
Function IT Analyst & Software developer
ABS Computer s.a. Sfax – Tunisiaaujourd'huiMission Analyst for new IT projects (Healthcare, Rent cars, Plastic industry..)
Develop new Software using several programming languages (WINDEV, ORACLE Developer & designer, SQL..).
Achievments Analyses and development of 4 software systems.
CEFORA: federal Training Institute Wavre Belgium Prince II: Fondamental training for Project management using Prince II methodology.
2009 -
KPN – BASE Wemmel Belgium KPN network Overview Data Services Mobile services Internet Services
2009 -
Point Dynamics LLC Atlanta USA Using & Administration of PointsDynamics Entreprise CMS.
2008 -
Gent University (********) Gent – Belgium Diploma Master degree in computer Science Thesis subjectInteraction between web crawlers and web search engines: performance measurment. The aim of this thesi
2005 -
Diploma Bachelor degree (Maîtrise) in computer Science Thesis subjectVERSIOS 2.0 Interface for Archieving and versionment of Data Base schemas in active and temporal environment. The aim of this thesi
University of Sfax – FSEG (********), Sfax – Tunisia1993
- Project management Skills (Prince2, PMI, AGILE): Time mgmt, HR mgmt, Budget….
- AGILE, SCRUM, Story, planning game.
- Analysis skills (UML, IIBA)
- Requirements Gathering.
- Business process modeling.
- Testing skills (test scenarios, plaaning, implementation..)
- Development skills: PHP, SQL, MySQL, HTML, …
Communications skills.
- Attentive to details and quality
- Eager to learn.
- Team player
- Knowledge of business environment
- System administration
- Training skills
- Web server & sites design and administration (Apache, IIS, HTML, XML, …)
- Document & Content Management Systems (DMS & CMS): Point Dynamics, Aconex, MS Sharepoint, JOOMLA, Mambo…
Trainings & Certifications
06/2009 CEFORA: federal Training Institute Wavre Belgium
Prince II: Fondamental training for Project management using
Prince II methodology.
02/2009 KPN – BASE Wemmel Belgium
KPN network Overview
Data Services
Mobile services
Internet Services
01/2008 Point Dynamics LLC Atlanta USA
Using & Administration of PointsDynamics Entreprise CMS.
03/2008 Siemens n.v. / s.a. Huizingen Belgium
Anti-corruption training.
06/2007 Siemens n.v. / s.a. – PROSource Mechelen Belgium
Project management Basic & advanced skills.
Certification: ********
09/2006-12/2006 Institut Sup. des Ingénieurs de Bruxelles (ISIB) & Bruxelles Formation
Brussels Belgium
Web Developer training.
Design, conception, development & implementation of web applications
2005 Provinciaal Centum voor Volwassen Onderwijs Gent Belgium
3st level Diploma in Dutch language.
2004 HP – UAE Dubai UAE
HP products (servers, printers & PCs) certified technician.
2004 UNESCO Middle East & North Africa Dubai UAE
ICDL : International Computer Driving Licence.
ICDL certified trainer & inspector
2002 KUMON Insitute – JADCO Japan Dubai UAE
KUMON Certifed trainer.
I finished also the following courses:
- A+ : Certification program for Hardwer and Software specialist Comptia Inc USA
- MCP: Microsoft Certified Professional
- MCSE: Microsoft Certified System Engineer
Reading Writing Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
French Fluent Fluent Fluent
Dutch Very Good very Good Very Good
German Basic Basic Basic
Italian Basic Basic Basic