Leila - Product Owner VBA
Ref : 090918S002-
Product Owner, Business Analyst (33 ans)
MobilitéTotalement mobile
StatutEn portage salarial
Tarif Journalier MoyenVoir le tarif

Product owner/Manager
Firmenich, GenevaJan 2020 - Jan 2020Act as a lead, into an Agile team in order to give
motivation and communication the IT and
Business Team;
Act as a link between the It and Business Team;
Work in collaboration with the manager team to
keep delays and budgects;
Write MVP;
Write backlogs;
Write Epics and User stories;
Prioritize the User Stories;
Write the Tests Scenarios and Tests Plan, , in
order to check the running of applications;
Follow the development team;
Follow the business team;
Follow and coordinate the UAT;
Provide hands-on support and guidance to
business team undergoing change, including
briefings, presentations, and training on the
new IT applications;
Work in an international environment with IT
teams in the Us, Danmark and India Keywords:
PO, PM, Agile, Scrum, UAT, SIT, User stories,
Backlogs, MVP, Team leading, Perfume, Java,
+80% of time gain by the user, avoid the use of
too much applications -
iWE, Chef de projet, Paris, CDI:
2015 - aujourd'hui Paramétrage de web – applications de gestion de sinistres pour les assurances en Json Avant-vente / Relation clientèle
Définition des besoins du client
Pilotage de projet/ Suivi client/ Méthodes AGILE Réalisation de plan de projet/ WBS/ Backlog
Définition de processus métiers en assurance (RC, DAB) avec client Réalisation de data models (UML)
Réalisation de maquettes -
stage à l’étranger:
range Labs, Bristol,Jan 2014 - Jan 2014 Conception d’un cahier des charges pour une application permettant la visualisation de données réseaux en C++ Développement de l’application en C++/ Qt
Réalisation de tests unitaires et d’intégrations Suivi projet -
contrat d’apprentissage:
Orange Labs, Issy-lesMoulineaux,Jan 2012 - Jan 2015 Suivi de projet : définition des indicateurs de performance, des jalons, des réunions … Conception de cahier des charges
Réalisations d’études radios sur des technologies 3G, 4G… Développement de macros complexes en VBA
Développement d’applications de calculs et de visualisation en C++ Réalisation de tests unitaires et d’intégrations -
stage en entreprise
Opti-Time SA, Caen Calvados,Jan 2011 - Jan 2011 Conception de cahier des charges d’une application testant la capacité des logiciels de l’entreprise
Développement de l’application en JAVA
Intégration de tests unitaires J-Unit -
, Entreprise Egide Concept, Cairon Calvados, projet D.U.T.:
2010 - 2011 Conception du cahier des charges d’un logiciel EGIX permettant de gérer des animations de son et lumière depuis un PC Suivi de projet : définition des indicateurs de performance, des jalons, des réunions …
Développement du logiciel EGIX en JAVA -
IT Insurance Business Analyst
CHUBB, Parisaujourd'huiAct as a point of contact linking the Chubb
insurance business team and the IT team
throughout feeding back and resolving issues in
the spirit of continuous improvement on the
development of insurance IT applications;
Work in a Scrum Agile environment, writing
user stories with the business team;
Provide hands-on support and guidance to
business team undergoing change, including
briefings, presentations, and training on the
new IT applications;
Write test scenarios, in order to check the
running of IT insurance applications;
Lead the testing team, send them feedback to
the IT team in order to rectify the defects
Work in an international environment with IT
teams in the UK, Netherland and India
Work on multiple insurance application
products (life insurance, civil liability, wine ...)
Collaborate with colleagues in pursuit of the
above aims and other strategic objectives;
Keywords: BA, Agile, Scrum, UAT, SIT, User
stories, Team leading, Insurance (Cyber, Wine,
D&O, P&C)
+ 80% of time gained by the brokers using the
Application sold to 2 other insurance companies -
IT Pega Insurance Business Analyst
CNP, Parisaujourd'huiPlan workshops with the CNP business team, in
order to define the requirement for a life
insurance Pega application;
Work in a Scrum Agile environment;
Collaborate with the product owner in order to
deliver the user stories;
Translate the user stories into Pega
Work collaboratively with broker in the delivery
of key products and services.
Manage Information, and other data to identify
areas for action within and across teams.
Write and running functional test scenarios in
order to check the running of the IT life
insurance application;
Improve team performance ensuring
compliance with policies and procedures;
Keywords: BA, Agile, Scrum, User stories, UAT,
PEGA, Insurance (health life)
+50% of time gain with the new application by
the users -
CEO and founder
Tiramisquad, Parisaujourd'huiFounder of Tiramisquad a company specialized
in the delivery of tiramisu deserts in the region
Team leader of 17 employees
Leading of the communication and marketing
Founded an association for
entrepreneur women
Hobbies and Interests
Customer service
Management of the logistics
Management of the stocks
Management of budgect
Leader in Paris
Sales revenue/ annual: 360 000€
Formation d’ingénieur généraliste option systèmes informatiques et industriels en alternance,
Ecole Polytechnique Féminine, Sceaux2012 -
Licence MIAGE (Méthodes Informatique Appliquées A la Gestion des Entreprises),
Université de Rennes 12011 -
Obtention du D.U.T. Informatique, I.U.T. Caen, Antenne Ifs
2009 -
Obtention du Baccalauréat Scientifique, option SVT, spécialité Mathématiques, mention assez bien, Lycée Victor Grignard, Cherbourg
Langues étrangères :
Anglais : parlé et écrit couramment (TOEIC 810 : niveau C1)
Espagnol : parlé et écrit
Arabe : notions et écrit
Gestion de projet :
Certification méthode AGILE
Informatique :
Bonnes connaissances globales de l'outil informatique notamment en :
Bureautique: Microsoft Office, Open Office
Bases de données: SQL,
Modélisation de systèmes d'information: UML, MERISE
Programmation: C++, Qt, VBA, Json, JAVA
Programmation web: PHP, JS
CAO : Catia