Velizar - Chef de projet INTERNET

Ref : 130106T001
Photo de Velizar, Chef de projet INTERNET
Expériences professionnelles
  • Microsoft Azure Senior Cloud Advisor/Architect

    CARRIERStock Exchange Luxembourg
    Jan 2019 - aujourd'hui

    Design of the environments Tenant and the Subscriptions. Regions Scaffold.
    ▪ Team Leader infrastructure microservices AKS / Kubernetes.
    ▪ Design and Implementation of AKS/Kubernetes and ISTIO service mesh.
    ▪ Microservices Security Governance: Keyvaults, Security Center and Sentinel.
    ▪ Design of Azure subscriptions networking, Application Gateway / Firewalls
    ▪ Launch the new Stock Exchange strategy Websites Green-X:
    and LuxXPrime: ******** from Azure platform microservice.
    ▪ Design of HDInsight cluster base for Kafka. Implementation. Hands-on.
    ▪ BI migration through infrastructure as a code implementation of Data Factory,
    Data Lake, Azure SQL and Databricks. Defender for DBs. Deliver the whole.
    ▪ Develop and deliver multi environment scripts by Az DevOps
    ▪ Training of the Operations IT team to support Azure APIM, VMs, Network
    ▪ Implement Azure pricing and resource reservations program.
    ▪ Assist the Security to deliver following Commission de Surveillance CSSF rules
    ▪ Office 365 migration/conversation of SharePoint sites to Teams model.

    Microsoft Azure Modules
    Compute 
    Networking 
    Storage & Data Lake 
    PKI Azure - DigiCert 
    AKS/Kubernetes 
    ISTIO Service Mesh 
    HDInsight clusters 
    Web Apps 
    Application Gateway 
    SQL & Managed Ins. 
    Azure PostgreSQL 
    Azure Security Center 
    Azure Sentinel 
    Azure APIM 
    Machine Learning 
    Databricks (Infra) 
    Data Factory 
    Conditional Access 
    Mgmt Groups 
    Azure DevOps

  • IT Cloud Transition Advisor and Microsoft Trainer at EBRC Datacenter

    Jan 2018 - Jan 2019

    Design the cloud part of the hybrid architecture EBRC Datacenters / Azure.
    ▪ Assist the EBRC Azure Governance Team on Azure scaffold adoption. Define
    the hierarchies and the enrollment modes.
    ▪ Assist the cloud automation team with Key Vault and Disk Encryption.
    ▪ Secure the Azure AD. Produce a workshop presenting all the Azure
    authentication methods to help the strategy to make their choice.
    ▪ Apply CIS Microsoft Azure Foundations Security Benchmark to audit the
    Azure AD of the UAT and PROD Azure tenants. Rework the outdated scripts.
    ▪ Assist the application Middleware team for the appropriation of the Azure
    Windows and Linux Web PaaS with Code or Docker containers.
    Create Custom Inventory Automation using Graph.
    ▪ Office 365 adopt migrations model and framework. The whole procedure.

    Microsoft Azure Operations
    Implementation 
    Governance 
    Organize support 
    Pricing, Reservations
    Security hardening 
    Automation 
    Disaster Recovery 
    Migration VMs, DBs 

  • Security Projects.

    At Excellium-Services Luxembourg
    Jan 2017 - aujourd'hui

    Domain: Cloud Security
    Microsoft Trusted Certified Solution Expert: help Excellium to join the Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider program.
    Microsoft Trainer: Trainings on Microsoft Azure and Office 365 given to the Excellium-Services’ customers.
    Project Manager: Implement private cloud PSF compliant E-Communication system in SaaS mode hyper convergent.
    On call duty 24x7, weekly, once a month support hands-on.

    Public cloud achieved Project. As Independent full time contract at Datacenter Network Research Belgium.
    Domain: Microsoft Azure Cloud Project - Innovation. Datacenter hybrid.
    Successfully evaluated and analyzed Microsoft Azure to foresee Datacenter extension. Realized business case of comparison Datacenter private cloud vs MS Azure cloud - approved by the Strategy Team. Deployment POC production pilot hands-on.
    Result and benefits:
    - Mitigated risk factors through careful analysis of financial and statistical data.
    - Helped the business strategy to evaluate Cloud Public to the existing private one
    - Add the Microsoft Azure to the Service Catalog.

    Public cloud achieved Project. As Independent full time contract at Datacenter Network Research Belgium.
    Domain: Cloud SaaS. Externalize collaborative sites for collaboration with customers.
    Implementing the first 5 Office 365 tenants of the Datacenter NRB. Innovation.
    Design the whole architecture. Deliver business plan, POC, logical service architecture, network flows architecture, authentication logical architecture and token and certificate validation, security validation, prod activation, user training.
    Result and benefits:
    Add the Office 365 to the business catalog
    Create cost-effective way for the sales and architect of the datacenter to collaborate with the external client and partners through elastic cloud solution

    Private cloud hybrid achieved Project: As Independent full time contract at Datacenter: Network Research Belgium
    Domain: Intranet/Extranet SharePoint hybrid / Office 365.
    Led the rebuilt of the whole existing SharePoint extranet, Innovated and introduced mutual SharePoint governance for all hosted datacenter customers. Assured the Transition and the Operation Services. Direct editor of the SharePoint Services and sales catalog in conjunction with Microsoft. Coordinator of partnership with Avepoint governance suite.
    Result and benefits
    - Huge IT Cost cutting by consolidation of all the dispersed SharePoint farms
    - Decommissioned tens of Legacy SharePoint, releasing resources
    - Optimized the staff multisource, by innovating with governance tools

    Federation identity achieved Project: As Independent full time contract at Datacenter Network Research Belgium
    Domain: Identity Management Solution ADFS Innovation.
    Implemented Microsoft Active Directory Federation Services Data Center Mutualized solution for sale to internal and external customers. Created the Business case, Analyzed the business requirements of different departments and conduct feasibility studies to determine the architecture and resources to use. Defined product architecture processes and tools.
    Focused teams on business objectives and tracked progress to ensure project milestones
    Result and benefits:
    - Pushed down IT support costs by driving the support calls Request tickets down
    - Connected several data center applications to External Identity Providers
    - Security hardening respecting to ISO 27001
    - Data center resource cost reduction: optimized existing infrastructure helping introducing NetScaler mutual solution
    - Achieved seamless migrations and integrations that were transparent to end users

    Waterfall type achieved project using Prince 2: As Independent full time contract at Datacenter Network Research Belgium.
    Domain: Communication. Skype for Business.
    Recommend best solutions based on understanding of business needs and issues. Created detailed business case. Created full project product description. Assemble the project Initiation Documentation. Created the project Plan by segregation of the activities of Implementation of Lync 2013. Manage stages and provide task schedule by activity/resource. Controlling the service operations maintenance and monitoring. Managed project closure and lesson log. Archive in Knowledge base as project model.
    Result and benefits:
    - Completed project up to one month ahead of schedule
    - Helped the Data Center telecommunication team to become solution provider on Skype for business
    - Introduced the solution within the catalog of Services to acquire new customers using the Skype for Business

    Several weekly on call duty Support 24x7 : As Independent full time contract at Datacenter Network Research Belgium
    Domains: All
    monitoring and hands-on

  • Agile project, private cloud achieved Project

    As Independent full time contractor at Allianz, Euler Hermes entity.
    2009 - 2013

    Domain: Manage and develop New online platform, private cloud Model of Euler Hermes on SharePoint platforms and SSO shared portal for all worldwide customers. Redress an existing project.
    Straighten an existing project by re-Design of the infrastructure, re-design of the logical architecture of SharePoint platforms ******** (. de,. be,. ********, .us, .it etc.…). Coordinate the edition of 50 portals by country region of the group. Requirements analysis, audit and definition of needs and selection of products: project orientation, organization, project management. Replace the whole existing infrastructure with a new one. Coordinated and ensured all Infrastructure Teams, Database Administrators, Developers and Users are clear on their roles and timing of systems failover/failback and testing. Maintaining and controlling the project schedule and dashboard. Led the whole Migration Linux to SharePoint, security hardening. Document and archive project activities. POC => PRODUCTION => SUPPORT. Risk assessment and risk mitigation. Change management. Project SharePoint team manager. CDN Akamai architect.
    Result and benefits:
    Redressed a project, avoid project failure and loss of tens of M.
    Brought innovative SSO solution that gave to the project a new direction and possibility to use existing internal ERP to be used by external end users, solution that is used till today and could be seen online.
    Introduced AKAMAI CDN high speed solution, innovation to spread the website content worldwide for quick access, alleviate the need of additional infrastructure implementations – geographically. Coordinator and interface for Akamai.

    Microsoft Trainer: As employee at Vision IT Bertrange
    Domain: Trainings given at Microsoft trusted training center
    Configuring SharePoint 2010 (10174A), Implementing Server Virtualization (10215A), Implementing Managing Windows Server 2008 Clustering (6423A), System Center Operations Manager (50028B), Windows Active directory, Windows Server
    Result and benefits:
    Average notation 8,6 /10

    Consultancy and advisory: As employee at Vision IT Bertrange and independent contractor for Vision IT France
    Domain: infrastructure
    DELL: representing DELL EqualLogic SAN solutions over Luxembourg, Microsoft Shared Volumes and SharePoint Load Balancing.
    Weber Transports: Develop the disaster recovery strategy of the headquarters infrastructure, approval and tests on SAN Dell
    ING: Migration of MS Exchange 2003 to 2010 Elaborated the whole exercise of migration - Proof of concept. Script all in a parallel cloned environment. Registered all the procedures. Anticipates operational risks. Approve whole by the bank IT.
    Poste of Luxembourg: Coaching/consultancy on Microsoft technologies of the infrastructure and support teams.
    Luxembourg City: Advisory and Training of the IT Groupware Team on Microsoft collaborative tools
    “Voies navigables” de France (VNF): SharePoint audit and farms optimization; SQL servers optimization and support

  • 2004 - 2009

    Manage development team: As associate of PolePoition LTD
    Domain: .NET development
    Manage team of 10 developers. Manage multiple project deliveries of varying dimensions – complexity, technology, geography, 3rd party partners. Sale data services. IT asset management, Internet bandwidth sharing and selling. Marketing and distribution of Innovative Private cloud solution that is taking in charge remote applications and communication.
    Result and benefits
    - Innovate in the domain of web-enablement (most known today as SaaS private cloud)
    - Successfully created several custom-tailored applications with turnover 2 M.

    Project management. As associate of Vita Natura.
    Domain: Pharmaceutical area. IT services.
    Lead the infrastructure implementation and development of the Dutch branch offices of Vita Natura US move.
    Manage scopes by assessing the headquarters requirements and report to the Senior Strategy and Franchise Development Committees. Hire and form a new call center team. Reorganize the existing support teams. Lead the development of in-house computerized supply chain. Develop Call Center, hire all profiles. Create innovative SI program interoperating: the production, the supply chain, the doctors, the pharmacists, the social security systems and the patients.
    Result and benefits:
    Helped the franchise to legally validate the pharmacy and open
    Successfully launch online pharmacy with limited prescription validation and relied to the ERP backend.

  • 2000 - 2004

    Employee at Deloitte with permanent term contract.
    Senior consultant Sun Solaris and Windows technologies.
    Main project: « Departement des transport de l’état de Luxembourg ». Evaluate, implement and support the Sun platforms of the Deloitte development project « carte grise de Luxembourg».

  • Employee at the Big 5 one, Andersen Consulting
    1998 - 2000

    (Arthur Andersen) with permanent term contract
    Consultant Windows and Networking. Left for Deloitte following the scandal of Enron.

  • 1997 - 1998

    Employee at Siemens business services with permanent contract.
    Computing support of the Siemens Leasing department. Responsible for Servers and printers.

  • Interim at General Motors.
    1996 - 1997

    Interim at General Motors.
    Started as Manpower interim and received fixed-term contract in the moment of leaving for Siemens.
    Networking engineer

  • French army
    1990 - 1995

Études et formations
  • Education
    2011 – 2012 Exécutive MBA affaires internationales ICN: Strasbourg/Nancy/Shanghai/Atlanta
    Business stratégie, Gestion de projet, Piloter les performance de l’entreprise, Créativité, Gestion des ressources, Finance, Systèmes d’information, Gestion de la chaîne d'approvisionnement.

    2008 – 2011 Master: Informatique et Innovation. Nancy II. INE: 0BLTWG02NZ9
    Analyse stratégique et design des systèmes d’information, Modélisation d’entreprise, Gestion du changement, Communication, Architecture Informatique, Gestion de projet, Méthodes « Agile », Gestion du savoir, Ingénierie des exigences, Gouvernance IT, Qualité, Sécurité informatique.

    1995-1996 Formation, valorisation des acquis professionnels – Bordeaux. Assistant des utilisateurs en informatique : réseaux informatiques, Protocole réseaux et standards informatique, gestion des connections distantes, administration, sécurité, organisation de centre d’appels. INSEE.

    1987-1990 Université Saint Clément Ohrid. Faculté de mathématiques, chimie et physiques. Chimie organique et inorganique. Système industriel informatique. Analyse des processus par ordinateur.

    1978- 1985 Ecole des sciences et sports. Section natation.
    Bac en mathématique, chimie, physique et littérature.

    • Cobit 5 certification – en cours par ISACA,
    • Prince2. Numéro de certificat: 02432086-01-VKVR. Leeds Angleterre. méthode de gestion de projet modulable et flexible.
    • Ingénieur certifié Microsoft ID: 152 1921
    • Cegos certificat pédagogique. Communication orale, parler en publique.
    • Microsoft Certified Trainer: Microsoft SharePoint 2007/2010, Microsoft Lync Communication server, Active Directory, Certified Microsoft Exchange, CRM, Microsoft Project, SQL Cluster et Virtualisation Hyper-V.
    • Sun Systèmes, Oracle Solaris Cluster et SolarisOS.
    • Hewlett Packard Spécialiste Accrédité Platformes HP. APS ID :0032121528

    Français : langue maternelle, Bulgare : langue maternelle,
    Anglais: Toefl certifié, niveau 835/990. Wallstreet Institute, niveau 13.
    Russe : langue maternelle

Autres compétences
2011 – 2012 Exécutive MBA affaires internationales ICN: Strasbourg/Nancy/Shanghai/Atlanta
Business stratégie, Gestion de projet, Piloter les performance de l’entreprise, Créativité, Gestion des ressources, Finance, Systèmes d’information, Gestion de la chaîne d'approvisionnement.

2008 – 2011 Master: Informatique et Innovation. Nancy II. INE: 0BLTWG02NZ9
Analyse stratégique et design des systèmes d’information, Modélisation d’entreprise, Gestion du changement, Communication, Architecture Informatique, Gestion de projet, Méthodes « Agile », Gestion du savoir, Ingénierie des exigences, Gouvernance IT, Qualité, Sécurité informatique.

1995-1996 Formation, valorisation des acquis professionnels – Bordeaux. Assistant des utilisateurs en informatique : réseaux informatiques, Protocole réseaux et standards informatique, gestion des connections distantes, administration, sécurité, organisation de centre d’appels. INSEE.

1987-1990 Université Saint Clément Ohrid. Faculté de mathématiques, chimie et physiques. Chimie organique et inorganique. Système industriel informatique. Analyse des processus par ordinateur.

1978- 1985 Ecole des sciences et sports. Section natation.
Bac en mathématique, chimie, physique et littérature.

• Cobit 5 certification – en cours par ISACA,
• Prince2. Numéro de certificat: 02432086-01-VKVR. Leeds Angleterre. méthode de gestion de projet modulable et flexible.
• Ingénieur certifié Microsoft ID: 152 1921
• Cegos certificat pédagogique. Communication orale, parler en publique.
• Microsoft Certified Trainer: Microsoft SharePoint 2007/2010, Microsoft Lync Communication server, Active Directory, Certified Microsoft Exchange, CRM, Microsoft Project, SQL Cluster et Virtualisation Hyper-V.
• Sun Systèmes, Oracle Solaris Cluster et SolarisOS.
• Hewlett Packard Spécialiste Accrédité Platformes HP. APS ID :0032121528

Français : langue maternelle, Bulgare : langue maternelle,
Anglais: Toefl certifié, niveau 835/990. Wallstreet Institute, niveau 13.
Russe : langue maternelle

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