Hugues - Architecte JAVA
Ref : 040507A001-
Consultant, Développeur, Architecte (54 ans)
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Domain Efile2008 - aujourd'hui
Member of the transversal architecture team. Several POC
Modelling and implementation on a middleware of the mixed environment system responsible for collecting legal declarations on behalf of authorities: BCL and CSSF
This system collects legal declarations using crypted or uncrypted, signed or unsigned PDF and ensure the processing and acknowledgement by and on behalf of the authorities.
Due to the continuously growing volume of legal constraints, the number of files to process is fastly growing.
To handle this volume, I had to migrate most of the processing to a middleware (sonic ESB) to flatten the load.
Design and implémentation of the ESB chain responsible for handling UCITSIV processing.
Design and Implémentation of the Web services responsible for providing and validating data processed on customer side (Service deposant) -
at Bourse de Luxembourg (Finesti, Echange, Efile, UCITSIV)Jan 2006 - aujourd'huiModelling and implémentation of the business critical funds information collection and dissemination process.
This platform collects Fund (OPC) data from customers (thousands file a day) and disseminate it to direct customers like information resellers and to customers-customers on behalf of customers (thousands of scheduled dissémination a day)
Business process modelling using bigazi process modeller.
Design of the web follow-up platform.
Functional and technical design.
Development of the middleware in a mixed environment on a Sonic ESB.
Responsible for production incident mangement. Java coaching. -
at Lombard InternationalJan 2006 - Jan 2006Troubleshooting of performance issues, using Instroscope and profilers.
Detailed issues tracking to enable problem solving by developers
Design and implementation of a guaranty of delivery system to ensure the reliability of the processing flow -
DEST of CNAM (engineering diploma in software conception and development)
Jan 1998 - aujourd'hui -
(E.S.I.A.L.) Software engineering school1991 - aujourd'hui
project with Accenture
aujourd'hui -
Math sup, Math Spé M (Math, physiques and chemistry of engineeringaujourd'hui