Fayçal - Développeur SWIFT
Ref : 201025Z001-
Développeur (34 ans)
MobilitéTotalement mobile
Tarif Journalier MoyenVoir le tarif
![Photo de Fayçal, Développeur SWIFT](/fr/files_photos/000_201025Z001.jpg)
iOS Developer
Solocal2020 - aujourd'huiSolocal being the French leader in digital marketing, decided to create a new application based on the new technologies existing on the development market. Regarding the
iOS support, it was decided that the application will be minimum iOS 13 and therefore from skratch in full swiftUI and
Combine framework. application will be released in october to compete with google in france, it will have the aspect of cartography on which we will have the professionals displayed on POI with a search module and a reply list,
the same user experience as google only with the Frenchtouch. the architecture related to this screen mapping is
the Redux architecture.
- Composable Architecture (PointFree Framework Redux)
- Functional Programming
- Developing features according to composable architecture and handle side effect with Redux FrameWork
- SwiftUI And Combine Framework
- AppClips
- CI Bit-rise -
iOS Developer
France Television2020 - aujourd'huiFrance-Television is the media of the French government, their iOS application on which I worked, it's developed on the iPhone iPad and tvOS, this application has
a high traffic.
Having an ideology to develop its own libraries not
only Player but also tracking and login to be independent of third party libraries like (Gigya, FollowAnlytics ... etc ) and manage internally all the applications of
the France-Television group like Okoo (youth media),
FTV-Sport (for sports events). My mission is to handle
application and develop screen for the next sport
events on iPhone iPad and TvOs, I had already on R&D
add TopShelf to their application to be isometric with
Netflix on Apple TV. It will be available on next September
- Clean Architecture (VIP)
- Apple TV (tvOS) with (Focus, topShelf, Deep-link..etc)
- TDD with mocking (Spy, Stub and some Mock)
- Replace some pods with natif code (like OAuth).
- Respect of SOLID Principals & POP
- Agile Methodology
- GitLab versionning
- CI Fastlane & Jenkins -
2020 - aujourd'huiNow Mentor iOS Developer
- Learn teaching and mentoring
- Help student to learn Swift language on POO
and POP
- Follow Student on theirs first architecture and
test their code
- Testing students to see if they have acquired
the skills required to validate their exams -
iOS Developer
Solocal PagesJaunes2019 - 2020Solocal being the French leader in digital marketing,
helping through the PagesJaunes application has high
traffic recognised for its database of professionals,
helping French users to find professionals in a sector,
in particular by giving them his contact details but also
his availability. In another sense with digital marketing
we help professionals to be easily referred to the top
of user searches.
- iPad better Application (SplitView) and Catalyst
- Developing new features and maintain application
- Observable Pattern
- Deleting Objective-C old code
- Github versionning
- Agile Methodology
- Features iOS with testing (Mock, Fake and Stub)
- Framework updating
- CI Bit-rise -
Application PodCasts Student iOS Developer
ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT (OPENCLASSROOMS)2019 - aujourd'hui- Clean Architecture VIPER
- Dependency injection
- SOLID principle to build maintainable and testable application (95% code covrage)
- TDD & Mocking
- Separate Business Logic & Data retrieving on independents iOS FrameWork -
SURVEYaujourd'huiBooks & documentations
- Paul Hudson Ebooks : ProSwift, Design Pattern, Testing with Swift,
hacking with tvOS, hacking with WatchOS
- Robert Cecile Martin : Clean Architecture, Clean Code
- Raywenderlich Ebooks: Data structure & Algorithme, Combine
- Point-Free: Composable Architecture & Functional programming
- Udemy: Validate some certificates
IOS Developer, Self-taught
and inspired I am passionate about this field which is
constantly growing. I am
interested in living abroad,
in order to discover other
IOS Developer, Self-taught
and inspired I am passionate about this field which is
constantly growing. I am
interested in living abroad,
in order to discover other