Otman - Consultant technique 4GL
Ref : 200929M001-
20000 CASABLANCA (Maroc)
Consultant technique, Support utilisateurs (31 ans)

IT Engineer, Research & Development, Sopra BankingSoftware, Casablanca, MoroccoJan 2017 - aujourd'hui
Level-based technical separation of inputting and forcing of domestic transfers: Create CRUD
Technical environment: Shell, SQL, Informix, Oracle, Linux, Amplitude, Genero, 4GL
rest API to allow alternative forcing levels of administrative banking disagreements and operations.
o Analytical Modeling and Test Integration/Optimization: Develop a physics-based understanding of
customer duty cycles using real world collected data representative of the full range of customer usage;
compare analytical and experimental result and resolves differences to maintain calibrated analytical
models; generates experimental testing plans that deliver optimal analysis and test coverage. -
Co-Op, Sopra Banking Software Master CapstoneJan 2017 - Jan 2017
Interaction with the Amplitude for displaying client signatures:
o Writing architecture documents of the solution.
o Development of signature recovery services.
o Technical environment: Java/Jee, Tomcat Servlet3, REST, Springboot, Oracle 11,4GL
Object Oriented Java Programming Capstone Project: Investigation of cascading behaviors
within a social network.
o Object Oriented Programming in Java - Maps Applet
o Data Structures: Measuring and Optimizing Performance - TextEditor
o UCSDGraphs: Advanced Data Structures - JavaFX application
o Problem Solving: Social Network Analysis -
Synchronization of expired / canceled product subscriptions in Amplitude Core banking
Technical environment: Shell, SQL, Informix, Oracle, Linux, Amplitude, Genero, 4GL
solution: Creation of a Web Service API that enable modification of the product codes attached to HPS card
subscription under Amplitude.
o Abstract Reasoning: Envision a solution before implementation by analyzing data, extracting patterns
and relationships to establish a problem or solution's feasibility; develop new algorithms and analytical
models using process diagrams, flow charts, and textual documentation to explain and conceptualize a
complex problem.
o Programming: Create, write and test computer code, test scripts, and build scripts using algorithmic
analysis and design, Sopra Banking Software IT processes, standard and tools, version control, and build
and test automation to meet business, technical, security, governance and compliance requirements. -
Technical Consultant
aujourd'huiParticipation on the creation and kickoff of R&D in Sopra Banking Software Morocco:
o Tours, France Workshop: Establishment of one month long training for Casablanca Amplitude R&D
o Requirements Analysis: Evaluate relationships and interdependencies between requirements based upon
their complexity and value to the business in order to determine feasibility and prioritization.
o Advanced Features development: Design and of Development of new specifications for Core Banking
Amplitude -
o Training: Amplitude server creation, Database installation (Oracle and Informix), Amplitude technical
request processing, Dev ScriptShell.
o Training: the exposure of Amplitude business services, through the Gateway API, via the Virtual
Machine AIF (Amplitude Integration Framework), in the form of web services, soliciting a database
shared with the heavy client.
Masters of Science, Mobile and Embedded system, ENSA, Université Abdelmalek Essaâdi Tétouan, Morocco 2015-2017
Bachelor of Science, Faculty of Science, Mohammed V University in Rabat, Morocco 2012-2015
Code : C, C++, C#, JavaScript, Java, HTML5, CSS3, PHP, Python, SQL, Perl.
Database: SQLServer, Oracle 11g, DB2 9, MySQL 5.
Integrated Dev Env: Visual Studio 2015, Eclipse Neon 4.6, WampServer.
Frameworks: Hibernate 4, Spring Boot, JSF 2, Bootstrap, Laravel, Angular(Notions).
OS: Linux, Windows.
IOT & Embedded: Raspberry PI Arduinos, C & Java Embarquées, VHDL.
Unit test and Integration test: Soap UI, Junit 4.
Selected Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
Python Boot Camp Fall 2016; UC Berkeley; ********-bootcamp
Python Seminar Course for Data Science; UC Berkeley; AY 250; ********-seminar
Masters of Science, Mobile and Embedded system, ENSA, Université Abdelmalek Essaâdi Tétouan, Morocco 2015-2017
Bachelor of Science, Faculty of Science, Mohammed V University in Rabat, Morocco 2012-2015
Code : C, C++, C#, JavaScript, Java, HTML5, CSS3, PHP, Python, SQL, Perl.
Database: SQLServer, Oracle 11g, DB2 9, MySQL 5.
Integrated Dev Env: Visual Studio 2015, Eclipse Neon 4.6, WampServer.
Frameworks: Hibernate 4, Spring Boot, JSF 2, Bootstrap, Laravel, Angular(Notions).
OS: Linux, Windows.
IOT & Embedded: Raspberry PI Arduinos, C & Java Embarquées, VHDL.
Unit test and Integration test: Soap UI, Junit 4.
Selected Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
Python Boot Camp Fall 2016; UC Berkeley; ********-bootcamp
Python Seminar Course for Data Science; UC Berkeley; AY 250; ********-seminar