Soraya - Assistant à maîtrise d'ouvrage SAP FI
Ref : 130123R001-
75012 PARIS
Chef de projet, Assistant à maîtrise d'ouvrage, Consultant fonctionnel (44 ans)
Tarif Journalier MoyenVoir le tarif

FI Project manager
FREELANCE Accenture Spain For Cevital - Global Algerian industrial enterpriseJan 2015 - Jan 2016Finalization of the FI blueprint
SAP Components: FI (AP, AR, GL, AA, BL) Tech. Environment: SAP HANA
Manage and handle workshops
Fit gap analysis -
FICO Consultant
Wargaming Europe - Online game developer and publisherJan 2015 - Jan 2016Last core model rollout
SAP Components: FI (AP, AR, GL), COPA Tech. Environment: SAP HANA
French reference and key contact for the French roll out
Local support for the data migration and the compliance with the French legal requirements
End users support for the data migration and the local data -
FI consultant & Project manager
LVMH-PCIS (Perfumes & Cosmetics Information Systems) - LuxuryJan 2013 - Jan 2015Austria Roll-out (from fit gap analysis to post go-live support)
SAP Components: FI (AP, AR, GL), MM, COPA Tech. Environment: SAP ECC 6.0, CRM.
Maintenance of the current French core model (Feasibility and impacts study)
SAP FI corrective maintenance and enhancement
Deliver general and detailed functional specifications.
Daily maintenance and support (Customizing and supervise developments)
Ensure compliance with the French legal requirements
Set up of the DART solution (and FEC SAP extractor)
End users support and training -
Kraft Foods France - Grocery manufacturingJan 2012 - Jan 2013
FI consultant/Project manager, support of the local BPO for the overseas deployments. RTR department.
SAP Components: FI (AP, AR, GL), CO, PS & SD. Tech. Environment: SAP ECC 6.0, BI, HP Quality Center (for Testing)
Last French core model rollouts (Reunion and Martinique).
Fit gap analysis.
Coordination of the master data migration (Charts of accounts, suppliers, cost centers… etc.)
Coordination and testing of the solution implementation
Supervise customizing and data conversion
End users trainings and user guides delivery
Go-Live & Post Go-Live support
Monthly close end support
Key contact between end-users, Kraft delivery center and shared services center
Ensure Sox compliance and monitor internal controls
Provide guidance on SAP best practices and solutions for specific functional requirements, based on project scope; for both FI and SD parts -
Pôle Emploi (UNEDIC-ANPE)2009 - aujourd'huiMerge of UNEDIC (SAP system) and ANPE (Non SAP System), in a single system SAP4.7 based on UNEDIC’s model (iso- functionalities).
SAP Components: FI (AP/AR/GL/SL/TV) & HR. Tech. Environment: Solution SAP R3 Enterprise 4.7, HP Quality Center (for Testing).
Solution designer and after FI project manager (working on behalf of the client).
Write general and detailed design.
Describe and set up testing scenarios.
Data migration using CATT and other standard SAP functionalities.
Build RICEFW, customizing, and participate to unit and integration tests managed on Mercury Quality Center, follow up corrections, support users acceptance tests.
Go live preparation and support, and post go live support.
Ensure 3rd level support to users.
Daily analysis of the end-users issues and report to the near shore delivery center at Nantes.
Plan correction transports to production.
Collect and challenge end-users demands. -
Functional SAP FI/CO consultant.
ACCENTURE Accenture Consulting France - SI&T SAP2007 - 2012Entity: F&PM (Financial and Performance Management).
SAP Components: FI, PS, CO & FM. Tech. Environnent: SAP ECC 6.0, SRM 7 & BI, SLO.
5 months ESA: European Space Agency
Financial and accounting reorganization.
Lead for the reorganization, supported by the SLO solution managed by SAP.
Feasibility and impacts study.
Prepare and manage workshops, facilitate and conduct meetings between business and SAP experts.
Deliver general and detailed functional specifications.
Follow up the development and the customizing of the specific tools for merging or splitting departments.
Investigation on alternative solutions and prepare arguments to support client’s decision making.
Build, test and run LSMW. -
FI/CO Solution designer.
6 months LVM Distribution - Luxuryaujourd'huiDeployment the French Core model to 3 countries (Singapore, Malaysia & Dubai).
SAP Components: FI (GL, AP, AR), CO & SD, Solution manager. Tech. Environment: SAP ECC 6.0, AFS, HP Quality Center (for Testing)
Fit Gap analysis and data collection.
Write and validate functional specifications.
Design, build and test.
Train end-users; deliver documentation and support end and key users.
Support UAT (User Acceptance Tests).
Run LSMW and Go-Live preparation. -
Project manager FI, working on behalf of the client. Manage 5 European entities.
Shiseido, Group BPI (Beauty Prestige International) - Luxuryaujourd'huiFI corrective maintenance and enhancement.
SAP Components: FI (GL, AP, AR, AA) & MM. Tech. Environment: SAP ECC 6.0.
Support end-users.
Write functional specifications based on end users requirements and prepare legal and mandatory financial changes (SEPA & DAS2).
Single point of contact between Accenture delivery center in Mauritius, for all SAP FI subjects. -
Solution Deployment Lead for SAP FSCM- credit solution.
ALCAN Packaging Europe (Rio Tinto) - ALUMINUM INDUSTRYaujourd'huiPilot project for both Accenture and SAP.
SAP Components: FI, SD & FSCM. Tech. Environnent: SAP R3 Enterprise 4.6C - 4.7 & FSCM ECC 6.0.
Reengineering and finalisation of the Core model.
Fit-gap analysis for the remaining 3 rollouts.
Customizing and supervise developments.
Update and correction of the functional process.
Write test scripts, participate to Integration tests, User acceptance tests, Go-live, support to key-users.
Follow-up and report project progress.
Manage the relationship with SAP technical contacts. -
Overhaul of the Financial system of the City hall of Parisaujourd'huiFunctional designer.
SAP Components: Fi (AP, AR, GL), FM & MM. Tech. Environment: Solution SAP ECC 6.0.
Responsible of the end part of the financial process and main FI subjects.
Deliver general and detailed design.
Build new functionalities and enhance existing ones.
Optimization of overnight production batch processing.
Performance tests.
Manage issues raised by end users and challenge local development team.
Ensure 3rd level support to key users.
Boot camp Accenture SAP FI Advanced
Brussels, Belgium.2010 -
SAP FI - AC010
Paris, France.2008 -
Master’s Specialized Engineering of Businesses and Project Management
St Etienne, France.2006 -
European Diploma of participant Management
by the Value, 1st level of European certification: VM project member- Paris, France.2005 -
Baccalauréat in Exact Sciences (Mathematics)
Algiers, Algeria.1998
Functional consultant in Financial Accounting, with 9 years’ experience that consist on full life cycle implementations, core model roll outs and maintenance activities.
Processes: Purchase to Pay and Order to Cash, HR –Payroll, on several versions SAP 4.6C, 4.7 & ECC6.0.
Skills in different sectors: Food & Grocery, Luxury, Resources, and Public sector
Business skills: SAP Functional Consultant - Change Management – Organization – Trainer
Ability to work with minimum supervision and capability to work in an international and multicultural environment.
Products and Technology
ERP: SAP R/3 4.6 C, 4.7, ECC5.0 and ECC6.0, Solman (Solution Manager);
Softwares: MS Office, SPSS, Statistica, Crystal Ball, Delphi, Mercury, HP Quality Center,…
Methods & associated tools
PERT Diagram from Gantt, FIT and DIT (Financial reporting).
LVMH-PCIS (Perfumes & Cosmetics Information Systems) SAP FI project manager
Kratf Foods France (Now Mondelez International) Rollouts of two overseas entities. Sox compliance and reorganisation, further to the Finance departments and other activities offshoring.
LVM (Louis Vuitton Moët) Deployment of 4 entries, based on the French Core model. Job based in Singapore and Dubai.
Alcan Packaging (Now Rio Tinto) Pilot project and deployment of a new SAP solution (FSCM-Credit).
ANPE-Unedic (Now Pôle Emploi, French employment agency -Public sector) FI Lead for the new Information system.
English: Fluent.
Arabic & French: Bilingual, mother languages
Italian: Basic.