Miodrag - Ingénieur système Z/OS
Ref : 140205D001-
6700 ARLON (Belgique)
Ingénieur système
6. Mainframe Consultant
******** LuxembourgJan 2013 - Jan 2015Mainframe support for KBL EPB S.A Luxembourg including System support, Storage, DR, tuning and performance support , problem analysis and problem solving in z/OS and related products. And this year System support for IBM during the transition of Mainframe support from KBL to IBM (IS4F Company).
7. Mainframe Consultant
As IRIS employee I was consultant at BCEE Luxembourg for Migration of z/OS V1.13 to V2.1 from 01.03.2016 till now. Full parallel Sysplex environment with 11 partitions in Production , GDPS, System Automation etc; -
5. System Engineer
KBL EPB S.A. - LuxembourgJan 1991 - Jan 2013Work duties:
System engineer MVS then z/OS . I was also coordinator of cross-platform System engineer’s team ( Hardware and Operating Systems ). During 22 years I coordinated a lot of Infrastructure activities and big projects as TSM, OnDemand, Robotics, Storage, DR, System Automation etc. Every two years a new version of z/OS (the last z/OS V1.12 in 2012) , Updates Hardware – the last implemented machine was IBM Z114 with IFL’s , Robotics SL8500, VTL – VSM and migration from VSM to Fujitsu ETCS. Enterprise Scheduling using TWS z/OS and E2E z/OS based component. Implementation of JobLogRetrieval archiving for TWS E2E logs. System support of DB2, Migration from AF-OPERATOR to SYSTEM AUTOMATION. Implementation of Infoprint Server. Migration from SNA to TCPIP and implementation of IPSec; SMTP, etc. Implementation of DR procedures covering Mainframe equipments. Implementation of OMEGAMON products, - z/OS, Mainframe Network, CICS, DB2, integration in TEP. Implementation of zVM –zLinux environment and migration from TSM z/OS to TSM zLInux + TSM Media Server for z/OS solution. Regular participation in USER Groups and seminars in my domain. (GSE, z- Conferences etc) -
AXA Belgium S.A. Brussels – Insurance Company
4. System EngineerJan 1988 - Jan 1991Work duties:
I’ve started on VM/DOS VSE system and then we migrated to MVS . After migration I was in charge of system support of operating system, CA tools, DFSMS, DFHSM etc. -
3. System Engineer
« Le Secours de Belgique » S.A. Brussels – Insurance CompanyJan 1985 - Jan 1988Work duties:
My occupation was System support for GCOS 8 DMIV-TP activities. I did also from time to time DB design and DB administration tasks. Still on BULL DPS8 systems -
2. System Programmer
DUNAV Belgrade Insurance CompanyJan 1984 - Jan 1985Work duties:
My occupation was System support for GCOS 8 DMIV-TP activities. I did also from time to time DB design and DB administration tasks. -
1. Programmer - Analyste
HIP Pancevo – Chemical IndustryJan 1977 - Jan 1984Work duties:
I was in charge of analysis and COBOL programming. In this period I was occupied also with Linear
University of Natural and Mathematics Sciences of Belgrade Serbia
University degree in Mathematics sciences1977 -
Direction – Applied Maths.
Senior System engineer z/OS, Infrastructure architect and Infrastructure technical coordinator. More than 25 years in MVS – z/OS environment. I’ve been also team leader and technical coordinator of cross-platform system engineer’s group – Hardware and Operating Systems. I was in charge of many big enterprise projects as TSM, Enterprise scheduling TWS, Enterprise archiving - OnDemand, Output management – Infoprint Server, BETA Systems and OnDemand products, Automation – IBM System Automation and Monitoring – Omegamon Products, Implementation of enterprise Robotics solutions – ORACLE StorageTek equipment and FUJITSU ETCS. Strong knowledge of DR procedure in Mainframe world including GDPS, PPRC, System Automation, TCPIP, Parallel Sysplex . I have a very strong knowledge of z/OS performance and tunning and Mainframe Networking (IP + SNA Hypersockets usage in connection of z/OS and zLinux and also I tested the usage of IP Security of Communication Server for z/Os ). The last implemented z/OS operating system – V2.3 From February 2018 till August 2018 I was involved in Migration z/OS V2.1 to V2.3. From September 2018 till now I am working as Team Leader of z/OS support team covering Administration , Monitoring and Tuning of z/OS , z/OS storage and support of Production and operating at EPO Rijswijk Holland as consultant at INDRA group.
• z/OS
• DFSMS/DFHSM and Storage Administration
• ORACLE/StorageTek ELS (SLS, CSC, LS SMC software)
• Infoprint Server
• CA-1
• Prallel Sysplex
• Sytem Automation
• TCP/IP, IPSec and SNA
• Omegamon (z/OS, Mainframe Network, TEP integration)
• DB2 system support
• CFT/XTF Axway Products
• Connect Direct Sterling Product
• TWS + TWS E2E + JobLogRetrieval (archiving of TWS E2E logs to OnDemand)
• TSM (z/OS + zLInux + Z/OS Medis Server)
• Fujitsu ETCS
• StorageTek ELS (SLS, SMC, LS and CSC) including VSM support
• OAM and OnDemand for z/OS
• DS8100 (PPRC etc)
• TDS (Tivoli Decision support )
• Mainstar CR+ and HRM
Blues guitarist
IBM Luxembourg
IBM Belgium
All persons with Mainframe background connected to my Linkedin account