Roberto - Architecte ARBOR
Ref : 070629G001-
75013 PARIS
Chef de projet, Architecte, Consultant fonctionnel, Business Analyst (58 ans)
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(2Years) – (Senior Business Solution Architect)
For Post-Paid Fix division (residential fix/adsl and soho)Jan 2008 - aujourd'huiresponsible of the Architect team, redesign the CRM and Billing system (Syebel/WebMethode/Kenan FX started in 2007) in order to be able to acquire 5 times more customers without neither business impacts nor major hardware changes: there are currently around 8M customers. Customers came via various migrations projects provided by Cap Gemini, and I took care of integrating Neuf ADSL, Cegetel - Fix, AOL, Club Internet and TELE2 customers. We are now waiting for last 2 migration projects from SRR (Reunion) and Neuf Optical Fiber THD.
2008 - aujourd'hui
Support SFR operational management to re-negotiate Kenan Support contract.
As Kenan expert: the main goal of 2008 was to increase the performance of production processes to run the entire cycle faster enough to process 4 times more customers coming from migrations. We achieved 20 times more for IGEN (Invoice Generator), 2 times for LTP (CDR Loading Ticket Process), 50% more for CAP (CDR Rating) and 4 times more for JNL (Journaling). DATABLITZ, BIP are currently under analysis, we achieved 6 times more with replication process during installation (Currently we have 6 customer databases running and 3 under constructions).
Put in place the archive and the purge architecture with related batches for Ordering, Products Views, JNL*, BIL* and CDR* tables. Negotiating with Marketing/Client Service / Financial and Legal department the retention and purge delay. Business impact analysis, solution design and coding, tests and go live. Put in place a compressed Oracle 11g database and develop all scripts for extract data from source database and inject on target database.
CAP : Introduced CDRs input sort system for increase rating process performance
IGEN: Worked closed with Comverse in order to define, test and release the new Multi Server scalable model using HP X86’s low cost hardware architecture on Solaris 10 (Never used before on production). This hardware is 10 time less expensive than a SUN Sparc architecture for same CPU workload capacity
Replication: Redesigned with Comverse the Replicate process for implementing the parallel mode and for making optional the object recompilation function. Introduced a automatic replicate tables behavior in order to decide between delta and full mode during production installation process.
Added 2 additional customer databases on existing billing production system Kenan FX 11.7. In collaboration with Sopra Group as outsourcer I did gap analysis, solution design, and acceptance test and at the end go live.
The main goal of 2008 was stabilizing the billing cycle.
Implemented WebMethod, Tuxedo and ETUC alarms for monitor processes alive and measure instant functional io error during the provisioning and rating processes and providing aged error and workload measures. Designed and implemented the NetCool interface.
Designed and coded the Payments Alarm architecture for monitoring and reacting in order to receive the expected but un-received files. Tracked and monitored payments from Banks Institute and Payment Agencies from when they should arrive to when they were computed.
Payment consolidation between the new Arbor Kenan FX v11.7 for Neuf-Cegetel and the one closed down by the migration project (Arbor BP 10)
Putting in place a splitting system (ksh+awk+sybase+oracle) for redirect payments, payment refund, payment by CreditCard from the clearing houses to the 2 billing systems in place at the same time (during the migration period of 1 year).
Defined the space policy, analyzed the security model to put in place Unix/Oracle/Tuxedo/Java dedicated users for each batch.
Short task: Gap analysis, process re-modeling to stabilize and optimize the payment process to reduce manual work and to increase customer satisfaction. Credit Cards and EFT payments errors are now minimized and can be reworked by the classic support helpdesk.
Added 3 additional customer databases on existing billing production system, reusing the 2008’s procedure. We are running 9 customers databases. -
2007 - aujourd'hui
the existing system was too instable to handle that huge amount of data and to ensure normal production cycle. I remodeled the existing team for separating Business Analysis from System Support. I improved and customized existing processes between internals and external teams. I enforced and shared with teams the notion of common target, providing for each part a clear and achievable planning, showing deadlines and clearly identifying all deliveries.
According with Sopra Group, I re-designed the delivery process, in order to reduce the packaging effort and in order to minimize the production system downtime. I modified development standards to increase system maintainability. I have negotiated and provided support to Sopra Group in order to introduce a source control program (Subversion), a mandatory step for negotiating the maintenance contract between Sopra Group and SFR. I put in place and managed for SFR a RAPID development team for marketing prototypes and for specific or/and complex development. -
That part relate of the period before the fusion between SFR and NeufCegetel For Enterprise division:2005 - aujourd'hui
3 years) starting in 2005 as Project leader
MERCURE Project: Product and Customer Migration from Neuf (Siebel /Web-Method/Arbor 9) to Neuf/Cegetel (Clarify CRM/InHouse Connector/Billing Arbor 10 /Mediation XACCT).
- Design of the data migration strategy for Data and Voice products from NEUF CRM and billing to New NEUF/CEGETEL platform.
- Responsible of the Functional DATA Product Migration team (3 people), responsible of the Migration Development team (4 people) and the Business Acceptance Test team (5 people).
- In charge of the DATA Product Migration team (the project where splitted in 2 main segments DATA and VOICE products), closely with marketing and sale department I did migration mapping between source and target products. I reduced the number of migrated products from 50 to 16, I performed the global gap analysis between source and target DATA functionalities, provisioning, activation, deployment, logistic, billing, reporting, financial and network monitoring. Main target products were 9Office, 9IpNet, 9Connect, FramRelay, Black Optical Fiber. Analysis of historical Client organization to fit target constraints and to map target data model expecially for multinational and huge companies like La Poste, EDF, Société Generale, Thales, Banques Populaires, Marchés Publiques like Mairie de Paris, APHP and UGAP. Design of target data services based on existing CRM/WorkFlow/Network provisioning process
- Design and implementing of the architecture (based on Oracle, C , Shell) used to support data transformation business rules
- Design and implementing of business transformation rules for data and voice
- Design of the Test Analysis tools to reduce the human intervention and increase quality
- Implement audit system to trace each single transformation step (scheduled processes, customer data and customer charges. The system is used to check and validate customer output data and invoices
- In charge of the Business Acceptance Test team for Data and Voice products and for technical architecture. We tested all big customers one by one and others customers using a random statistical representative cases model using SFR internal HelpDesk resources -
For SFR (N9UF Cegetel France) SFR/N9UF Cegetel is the second Data and Voice GlobalJan 2004 - Jan 2010
operator of France providing Data, Mobile and Voice services to Residential, Small to Large Business and Telco Operators.
For the migration projects of SRR and Tele2 France to the SFR IT systemaujourd'hui
For the migration projects of SRR and Tele2 France to the SFR IT system: I participated to the design of the migration solution for the CRM and Billing system. I worked on the implementation of the juridical customer data isolation constraint, which imposes logical separation between customer invoice sequences and customer’s data accessibility.
Gap analysis for MVNO fix and mobile numbers portabilityaujourd'hui
SFR network did not provide MVNO information to the mediation, the billing system could not detect and apply specific rate for calls terminated to ported and original owner network.
Update the unit credit solution to include bundle options betweens product.
Work closely with marketing to design new product and be sure that they fit business requirements, and they can be supported by current architecture. -
Redesign and implement the Invoice proforma application system that correspond of business requirements, ad an automatic panel definition system based on business needs (panel of new customer never billed, panel of customer with new products or new rates, panel of customer that change pay method, that change business segment etc)
Study the Kenan mobile inventory system on version FX 12 to understand if it possible to use it on the current version 11.7 FX. (this for future use in case of migration of mobile in the fix line billing system)
Support SFR operational management to negotiate Sopra group outsourcing contract. -
Neuf acquired Cegetel from SFR, Neuf had to move all applications hosted on SFR datacenter to NeufCegetel datacenter. PUMA Project was the Billing moving process. The two operators had different IT that implemented heterogeneous and sometime incompatibles functionalities and all had to coexist for few months during the set up of the new core architecture (Arbor BP 10 with 30 specific developments) that would have received all customers. The target system had to support existing complex business and new marketing offers with at least 2 times more customer data and same production constraints in terms of people, hardware and software (of course we add disk space and RAM on the Unix server).
ANSSI SecNumAcademie
2024 -
CNIL – Security module 1 à 4
2024 -
Converse One Architecture (prepaid/postpaid)
2009 -
Sabatical semester (non registered) – Michigan University - Automotive – IT management
2003 -
IT IS G Marconi (Verona)– Scienze dell’informazione